Yep, finished it moments ago.
The spoilers were true; the True Ending is really no more scary/tragic than a serious Ace Attorney case. Everyone who didn't die right off the bat at the beginning stays alive (YES THAT MEANS SNAKE TOO). But it takes a freaking long time to complete as it includes 2 more room to solve +_+ And lots, lots of more text. There are still some things I'm curious about though:
1. What's the deal with the bracelets' numbers? We get that June's is 9, Santa's is 0, the 0 one is 6 (why is that again?), then does that mean there are 2 [9] bracelets, and why? Junpei put forth that question and left it at that, and no more explanations were given. That's really annoying you know, it keeps hovering over my mind and giving me this sense of unfinished +__+
2. It's implied that Seven has been lying about the fact that Akane died, what about Snake? He might not have seen her body, but if she came out of the incinerator, wouldn't he hear her? (Either by the door opening, the sounds of her crying, the DEAD doing its thing, or even her footsteps...etc). Since it's inferred really heavily that Seven lied and nothing was said about Snake at all, I'm kinda confused here....
(Oh ok the fact that I notice excessively everything about him doesn't really help...maybe it's the writers' intention to let it slide D:)
3. WHAT IS SNAKE'S REAL NAME DAMMIT DON'T TELL ME IT'S "LIGHT" IT SOUNDS REALLY STUPID (and I want to know Lotus and Seven's names too...) (PS: No offense to Light in Death Note, but +_______+ This really sounds like a half-assed attempt at translating a name from Japanese into English. I'm hoping it's Akira, I guess I'll have to look into it later D:) Okay apparently it IS Light, the Jap ver was "Raito". Hur hur. Okay it's fitting since he's blind, but dammit why does everyone has a (cool) Japanese name while Snake has a name similar to a mass murderer evil mastermind in a famous manga >__>. This will take time to get used to. D:.
4. WTF. Is up. With. Alice 8D. And to suppose a girl from ancient Egypt would have known the sign for hitchhiking..............
All in all it's a pretty decent game, and I must admit I care more for the characters after the true ending. The story is really awesome, and it's true the plot twists screw with your head - I had to pause a lot to sort things out in my head 8D. I would've stated my most favorite moment, but I guess you all know what that is (psst, it's when Snake rises from the grave). It's really scary too, I'm kinda glad I turned off the volume most of the time. The puzzles are quite easy though, the only time I consult the walkthrough is when I want to fast forward the places I've already finished in previous playthrough.
There's one very big weakpoint however: The game takes too freaking long. And if I didn't have an unhealthy obsession for Snake (for no greater reason than that he is so much like Miles Edgeworth =_=) I think I would've dropped it, or it would've taken me months to finish it. And 6 endings are a bit overkilled. Yes it's interesting to see how different scenarios would play out, but after that much time my feelings are a bit mellow - either I forgot stuffs or the tension and excitement after an information is first revealed die down. And without walkthroughs I'd NEVER EVER get to the Safe and True ending without having bored my wits out first. So there.
And additionally, this whole morphogenic (sp??!!) field sometimes feels really ridiculous, so much that after the true ending it's hard to take it seriously ''____" Not to mention the appearance of Alice at the end only adds to that...*_* And since the whole game (and other endings) have this feeling of suspense and harsh reality, the end kinda kills it somewhat.
Talking about the end, I've gotta say as I have no care for Junpei/Akane (heck I feel for Junpei/Clover more than these two) this probably contributes to how I'm feeling about the game right now - kinda unfinished and so-so sort of feeling /___\ It's not a good feeling when we talk about completing games..../__\
On other notes, I am really glad Snake is alive feel really pity for Ace ''__''. Just imagining seeing everyone around me as having the same face - not being able to recognize my parents, my friends,... it's really horrible. His crime is unforgivable, true, but I can't really bring myself to hate him that much /_\ I also have a real fondness for Clover Lotus, and Seven - I think I read somewhere that the writers supported Lotus/Seven, and I guess I kinda supported them too. Do I need to restate my love for Snake?
I admittedly looked through some of the discussions when I play, and I kinda got spoiled on some stuff, like how Ace is the bad guy, and there's a fake!Snake (I caught the word "fake!Snake" and had no idea what it means) those are big spoilers aren't they /_\.
Why am I so good at picking at shortcomings o_______o''. Don't take me wrong, I love the game and its story and characters, and it's a really great game, but ask me to give details of how it's great and I'll have to wreck my brains for words to come out ;__;. Damn ;_;.
I'd really recommend it if it weren't for the horrendous length. I really suggest that you just do the Submarine, Safe and then the True Ending - if you're curious you can come back to the others later. Seriously, this kind of game is best played when the feeling is new and rushed....the other endings will just distract you and they don't really add anything anyway +_+. I would've even taken Submarine out, but since there's a tidbit about Lotus there that isn't mentioned in the other ones...(I like Lotus. I don't agree to how she's treated ;A;.)
Btw, I've just remembered the 30-day pairing meme now. I think I'll have to go and fix the favorite siblings one to Snake/Clover (AGAIN WHAT ARE THEIR REAL NAMES) /__\. they make me want to have an older brother too /_____________\.....