After three days watching and rewatching this movie like mad, I guess it's time to do a quick-thoughts post and move on to TVH \m/
(I actually didn't rewatch it that much, just twice the whole movie and infinite times small bits here and there)
Despite all its holes and flaws in the script, it's definitely one of my most favorites ever. The amount of flail I've unleashed watching this movie is infinite, what's with all the Enterprise crew friendship, Spock/McCoy bromance, and the epic romantic legend-worthy sappy love story that is Kirk and Spock ;_;. I'm even oh so tempted to screencap every and all of the bits I like, 'coz I just love it that much. It's like a huge HUGE chunk of fan service, and I have been served very, very well.
I sort of was forewarned that the movie was bad, critically saying (the thing with odd numbered movies are bad and even numbered movies are good), so I didn't have a lot of expectations for this one. I guess that's also why I'm so pleased at how it turned out <3. I utterly love the first half and the last scene (with Spock's revival); and although the second act with the Klingon ship was a bit boring from second rewatch on, it's not that bad when I first watch it <3.
Actually there are a million things I want to say about the movie, but I seriously don't know where to start because almost every scene is worth a mention. Like, like Kirk's "Come come, Mr. Scott. Young minds, fresh ideas. Be tolerant *wags finger*" or Uhura's "This isn't reality. This is fantasy" or Sulu's "Don't call me tiny" or Scotty's trick on the Excelsior or Chekov speaking Russian or Bones's attempt at the neckpinch and must I quote the whole script here? Yeah you know what I mean. And and and, Sarek too. Urgh I really, really have a thing for Vulcans losing control of their emotions do I? AND THE ENTERPRISE BLOWING UP. I cried a little when she destructs herself....;__;
Urgh and of course the final scene. I feel like I have to watch it every night before I go to sleep now. My God would you just look at the way Kirk smiles when Spock says his name as if everything, every hardships and sacrifices he made on the journey there, it's all worth it to hear Spock speaking his name one more time. AND THE WAY SPOCK'S SHOULDERS SHOOK WHEN HE SAID "YOUR NAME IS JIM". URGH.
But seriously, after watching this movie I am even further baffled at how K/S is not canon already and some people still deny them like they're just "friends". The moral of this movie is basically "love conquers all", people ;__;"!
Screw it, I'm definitely doing some sort of picspam or gifspam for TSFS. It's much faster than typing it out anw.
What's with the sort-of reaaal-subtle parallel b/w TSFS & Wall-E, you know...