Stockholm Syndrome

Nov 28, 2005 04:14

It's 4:16 AM and I have a paper to do. So I'm updating this instead. Things are things I guess. I haven't really been up to too much cuz like I wasn't really up to too much before and then it got really cold and started getting dark at like 4 in the afternoon everyday. That sucks but I still think I like winter, snow is sooo pretty and Christmas I ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

_changetheworld November 28 2005, 17:31:05 UTC
yay politics.
i really think you should become a teacher.
the best of us become them



andysok712 December 14 2005, 19:22:48 UTC
Liz, this took me a long time heh we should talk about stuff that other people don't care about(politics, George Harrison, etc. heh).


punkrockshorty November 28 2005, 19:43:42 UTC
it was weird to kinda see the past and the present confronted with each other.
I know what you mean.


andysok712 December 14 2005, 19:24:54 UTC
Yahhhhhh, we probably all do by now. Dude, hope you're well.


kittykat1586 November 29 2005, 02:03:15 UTC
I have Christmas lights in the window! Sleep near them!


thelk_affair November 29 2005, 15:17:10 UTC
I think it to be entirely necessary that we watch Love Actually REALLY soon, my friend.


anonymous February 8 2006, 05:17:57 UTC
Hey, where are you from? cause I play in a band called The Unibrows, and we had a show around this date at some weird place too. and we also play songs that are 4 years old and no longer reflect us. Was this show is Fort Erie? if not,,,this is justa huge coincidence.


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