Sep 13, 2011 21:56
Each character is allowed an item from their homeworld. Each item is reviewed by a mod on a case by case basis and can be turned down for any reason. These items can be anything from a non-hostile creature to generic items to new technology to a natural phenomenon. Items do not have to be redeemed immediately, or at all.
Characters arrive in-game with everything they would have on their person - these things do not have to be requested.
If a character drops within three months of apping, any item brought in will be removed.
Alternatively, if your character possesses the know-how to create a piece of technology or magic, post that here along with a barebones ingredient list of what's needed. If it needs something that doesn't yet exist in the game, it'll be put on hold until we work out a way to fit that last part in.
Also, if an item would be on your character's person when they were brought in, then consider it with them. So something that they would always have on them, they have. They just won't know what the meaning of the items until they remember it.
Please note: If your character can use magic, you do not need to request it! As soon as they remember about their magic and the spells themselves, they will be able to cast it.
Name of Item:
Physical Description:
Proposed Game Implementation:
Possible Side Effects: Given the various things being brought in, how would this affect others?