Title: An Unlived Life
Pairing: None really
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Not mine, but if your offering... The poem quoted is by Dawn Markova and is called 'fully alive.'
Summary: "You could come with me?" 500 odd words, a Doctor, his Rose, a Mickey, and a Time and Relative whosit. Enjoy.
I will not die an unlived life,
“You could come with me?” Despite the previously unheard of note of hesitance in the Doctor’s voice, Rose could tell it was a real offer. Not one given for the sake of politeness, not that this particular man, alien, whatever, ever did anything for the sake of good manners.
This craggy alien in a leather jacket and surprisingly soft wool jumper meant it when he said ‘Come with me.’ Not, you know, as a pretty little thing to show about to his mates, or as some chippy to keep in his bed - wherever that may be in his Time And Relative whosit. And for a flash Rose could feel the world turning just like the Doctor said, could feel the soles of her trainers just barely clinging to the concrete. Gravity had never seemed so flimsy.
Then Mickey grabbed her around the waist like the giant five year old he was, and all of the sudden Rose Tyler was tethered by more than just gravity.
“Yeah, I can’t. I’ve um, got to um, go find my mum and someone’s got to look after this stupid lump, so...”
Then the door closed on that particular opportunity.
It may not have been proven definitively, but most authorities agreed that the average person had only a few life-changing decisions in their life. Moments where two roads diverge and one must choose the path which the rest of your life will lay on. This was one of those moments for Rose Tyler.
In the seconds after, watching the TARDIS disappear, Rose lived a lifetime. Her and Mickey walked round the corner then three blocks to her flat in the estate, her mum was already there on the phone with a vengeance. She slept in nearly all the next day, lingered unnecessarily around the house for a week, attended Clive’s funeral. Then that was it. That was the end of the change in her life. She got another job. She eventually got her A-levels and Mickey got a good position at the car shop round the bend. He proposed. She said yes. And so it went, winding down this well tread road, Rose Tyler saw her life laid out as it was now. It wasn’t a bad life by any means; in fact, it was quite a good life.
It just wasn’t fantastic.
I will not live afraid of falling, or of fire.
Then there was that rushing, whirring music of the TARDIS and the Doctor. This sound was quite possibly the best thing she had ever, or will ever, hear.
“By the way, did I mention, it also travels through time?”
That was that. This was the universe giving her a sign. She was going with this man/alien from some miscellaneous northern area of the universe, she was going to get into his bizarre blue box, and she was going to travel through space and time.
It was going to be fantastic.
Loosen my heart until it becomes a wing