I've been haunting ff.net for days now. I think it's finally broken me.
If you're going to write a "rape is love" fic, I'd prefer some character and relationship development. But, no, I keep on running into stories that go exactly like this: horrible pain! -> involuntary physical arousal -> omg, I love you, bb! ♥ ♥ ♥
I'm tempted to write a rape fic just so that the characters don't fall in love.
Fandom makes me feel so contrary sometimes. I'm tempted to poke at the storyline I mentioned in my last post, too--the one where X cheats, and Y becomes a weepy, drunken, self-injuring mess who ends up dead. How about a story where Y cries a bit, eats a ton of comfort foot, badmouths the ex, and moves the fuck on. And since Y is always (accidentally) committing suicide in these stories, I'm trying to figure out if there's any way that could happen without being horribly OOC. It's not like Y is given a history of depression or anything--it's always Death By True Love.
Writing fic to give a giant "fuck you" to fandom is rarely a good idea, I think. Tempting, though.
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