Bad Sex & Awkward Romance a comment-a-thon Dreamwidth | LivejournalI love awkward romantic declarations and sex scenes. In an attempt to encourage people to cater to my desires, I bring you a comment-a-thon
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Saiyuki, one-sided any, ________ tries to confess their heartfelt feelings of romantic love to their adoring servant/subordinate ...and they get shot down. Hard. Because sometimes the fangirls are wrong.
(Examples: Kougaiji/Yaone, Sanzo/Goku, Kenren/Tenpou, Kenren/Goujun -- lol! Or anyone of the ikkou with Kanzeon Bosatsu, I suppose...)
(Examples: Kougaiji/Yaone, Sanzo/Goku, Kenren/Tenpou, Kenren/Goujun -- lol! Or anyone of the ikkou with Kanzeon Bosatsu, I suppose...)
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