I love it.
But still, there are all these things I keep thinking of that I haven't been able to do in ages because I've been a renter....and lots of novel things I haven't had to do.
We still need a lawnmower.
But Taj did buy a garden hose the other day.
And I need to weed the flower beds.
the house from the front
the side of the house
(i don't know what kind!)
the porch garden, 3 weeks old
date palms(2 years old), lavender, poppy (either the lavendar or the poppy is growing, a squirrel dug up and killed the other), lupine, mint, and two kinds of basil
And I want to have a party!
I haven't had a party since....well....Richmond, and the Rubick's Cube party.
Ah me.....