Title: The Tell-Tale Dream
Author: aneuhaus
Rating: NC/17 (but not yet)
Pairings: That would be telling!
Warnings: Slash
Part Seven
Napoleon came to on the floor, with his head in Jason Palmer’s lap.
“What happened?” he asked in confusion.
“It would seem,” Palmer answered, “that you were overcome, and fainted.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, “Napoleon growled. “U.N.C.L.E. agents don’t faint, we pass out; and then, only when absolutely necessary.”
Jason laughed, relieved and surprised that Napoleon seemed to be back to his old self.
“So, if you will kindly remove yourself and get back in the chair, we can wind this thing up.” Palmer commanded jokingly.
Napoleon’s face went as white as his perfectly laundered shirt. “You mean there’s still more?” he inquired in a near whisper.
“Yes, but I think it’s important. Come on, now, ups-a-daisy,” Palmer cajoled, helping Napoleon to his feet and directing him back into the chair.
“Now, then, I chose to close with this because I feel that it is the central message of the entire dream. Recall that you said that the hole the figure went through brought to mind a mail slot, so I researched any words that related to ‘mail slot’, and found two. One was ‘mail’, the meaning of which depends upon the emotions the dreamer experiences. Your admitted feelings of anxiety and fear mean that you are apprehensive about a decision. The second word is ‘mailman’, which indicates, Napoleon, that there is news that you need to deliver.”
Napoleon’s mouthed moved, but no sound emerged.
“Napoleon,” Palmer said gently, “it is obvious that you have become so adapted to the person you portray, that you are now convinced that this is who you are. But you must ask yourself if the life you now lead makes you happy. Do the endless sexual encounters fulfill you emotionally? When you are in your fifties, or sixties, and you are no longer the dashing playboy; will you be content to live the rest of your life alone? Do you really want to ignore what you know to be true, and give up the chance to love and be loved?”
“Deep in your soul, you know that there is someone out there who loves you, and who you love in return; but you have fallen into one of the major pitfalls of your profession. You have poured so much time and effort into creating this lothario monster you show to the world, that you have forgotten how to separate yourself from it.”
“Not that it isn’t a good cover, and one you will, no doubt, find it necessary to continue to employ; but you need to admit that it is simply a mask that you hide your fear behind. Your subconscious mind understands that your emotional well being - and, quite possibly, your sanity - hinge upon your acceptance of your true self.”
Although Napoleon was still woozy, he suddenly looked and felt very calm. “Thank you, Jason,” he declared warmly. “It’s obvious that you put many hours of work into this, and I am grateful. I suppose the rest is up to me now.”
With that, he turned, opened the door, and walked out, on steady legs and with confident intent in his heart.