ok so i went to maine yesterday. what a freak show up there!
im also goin to florida in august
and the fuckin pig left before i could take my drivers test so i had to reschedule it for the 5th.....what a douche
also im still on the rag, wtf is that about! 2 weeks! but its almost done thatnk christ. ok im done
I am: too much women for you
I miss: kweef
I want: too many things
I have: big boobies
I hate: most ppl
I fear: not completely living my life to my standards
I play: the radio
I hear: the computer humming
I care: for ppl more than I let on
I smile: when ppl hurt themselves
I wonder: around aimlessly
I love: my bed
I think: deeply about things believe it or not
I always: leave a mess wherever I go
I am not: a druggie
I dance: like im flying a plane
I sing: really bad
I cry: when I mean it
I talk about: random topics that boggle my mind
I spilled: the bowl of rice crispy’s all over my bed this morning
I wish: I was cool
I keep: junk
I can: do the disco
I can't: run without killing myself with my boobs
I write: a lot of crap called poetry
I smell: pretty good, I just took a shower
I confuse: most ppl I meet
I need: a car, license, money, shall I keep going
I should: get a shift kick in my ass so I will get motivated
First real memory of something: when I was in my room with the door shut and I couldn’t reach the door knob to tell my mom I shit myself………seriously this is my first memory
First screen name: sweetie something…….my brother made it for me
First funeral: my father’s friend’s mom
First pets: snowball and fluffy
First piercing/tattoo: my ears when I was 4 I think and the word chick-a-dee with the date of my fathers death right above me heart
Last big car ride:a few weeks ago with fe
Last beverage h2o
Last food consumed: macaroni salad
Last phone call: from jon
Last time showered: like a few hours ago
Last shoes worn: my jesus sandals as someone called them
Last annoyance: that chick monque
Last website visited: livejhournal
Last kiss: like an hour ago
Last beach trip: like a month ago maybe
[skimpy or grannies?] skimpy
[salt or pepper?] salt
[okay, ok, or o.k.?] k
[bright colors or dark colors?] bright
[tic-tacs or certs?] tic-tacs
[rain or snow?] snow
[sun or moon?] moon
[silver or gold?] silver
[silk, cotton, or flannel sheets?] flannel defenitely
[popcorn-with or w/out butter?] with
[ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish?] ketchup
[shampoo+conditioner in one or separate?] separate
[an animal] a dolphin
[a fruit] a horny melon
[a vegetable] leeks…I love the smell of them
[color] red
[a bug] butterfly but an exotic one
[are you smart?] Im s lot smarter then ppl think I am
[do you like onions?] fuck no
[what instruments can you play?] 1 little ditty on the drums that’s it
[what words do you overuse?] wha………
[do you like to finger-paint?] yes
[do you sleep with socks on?] no I hate the feeling
[are you ticklish?] yes
[are you shy?] with crowds of ppl
[do you talk to yourself?] all the time
[is your house 1, 2, or 3 stories] maybe 3 I think
[do you have a basement or an attic?] I have both
[did you go to preschool?] yes
[are you a morning person?] if u know me, then u know the answer to this