dang I've been absent from internet life again, took me forever to reply to this comment and to your email! I <3 YOU, thanks for being there for me lady, you're one of the best!
i miss you... i keep thinking to invite you to things but you're not here!! i hope you can find happiness again soon and i'm sure you will. we all have these periods and i'm definitely going through one myself, but i know one day, we will find happiness in our lives. and i'm going to copy jen and email you too soon!
i miss you too!! i hope i see you soon! and one day when my shit's all figured out here, maybe you can visit! and check out all the weird sacramento things hahahah. thanks for keeping in touch <3, it means a lot.
its hard moving to a new city, being out of your comfort zone and just going through the uncertainties of life in general, but it will get better, trust me. it just takes a bit of time
thanks for your words LSL, i believe you... just tough going through it until it gets figured out, i'm sure you know. maybe one day the ladies will all live together again! (SEATTLE 2012?!?!)
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