215: Monday late afternoon

Jul 10, 2007 05:14

Jack was lounging on the bed. Big surprise. The door was closed, but not locked, and he hadn't bothered to put a shirt on after his afternoon of basking in the sun ( Read more... )

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Comments 33

fantastic_torch July 9 2007, 21:43:39 UTC
Johnny wasn't sure about this. Okay, he was sure about this. Only...not. All right not totally one hundred percent sure but close enough that it got his feet moving towards 215 in no time at all.

He stood there at the door, staring at it, shuffling his feet.

Five minutes later he decided to knock.


anextimeagent July 9 2007, 23:18:25 UTC
Jack sat up on the bed, contemplated calling 'come in', but had a feeling that if it was who he was expecting, he might not.

Rolling to his feet, he padded across the floor and pulled open the door, smiling when he saw Johnny standing there. "Hey. Welcome," he said, stepping back and gesturing at the room. "Come on in."


fantastic_torch July 9 2007, 23:33:55 UTC
"Hey," Johnny said, glancing over Jack briefly as he stepped into the room.

Looking around, he shoved his hands into his back pockets and well, just stood there. "So...nice room."


anextimeagent July 9 2007, 23:39:41 UTC
"It used to be, when it actually had stuff in it, now it's just a room." He shut the door and leaned on it, his eyes glinting as he watched Johnny. "It's a bit better now that it was fve minutes ago."


flamingbonehead July 10 2007, 02:11:35 UTC
For some reason that Johnny couldn't explain, he felt strangely compelled to go down a floor. He ended up stopping in front of a random door halfway down the hall, and knocking on it.

[Set before the other Johnny gets there.]


anextimeagent July 10 2007, 02:16:03 UTC
Jack hopped off the bed and answered the door. "Hi," he said, looking a bit surprised, but not unhappy. "Jack Harkness, what can I do for you?"


flamingbonehead July 10 2007, 02:35:43 UTC
"Johnny Blaze," he said to introduce himself, still feeling like an idiot for doing this.

" 'S gonna sound weird, but d'you have any shampoo I could borrow? I'm new here, an' don't know where to get any yet, so I'm a little lost."


anextimeagent July 10 2007, 03:08:27 UTC
Jack was still very puzzled, but what the heck, he was cute. It must just be his night for Johnnys. "Welcome to Fandom. Want to come in? I've got a bottle you can have."


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