* Teito originally only remembers the name given to him by the Father and his birthday, nothing else. Watch canon say he didn't remember even those-- but then it wouldn't make sense for the military to call him Teito too :/
* In the academy Mikage taught him how to play Go Fish. When they had time, they played it together. It was a simple, fun game.
* The first time he ventured out of the academy or military setting was on a class trip to a training camp. It was the most he learnt about the world in one day, with Mikage chatting facts to him about the area they were going to, and was they day that Teito decided he definitely was going to see more of the world.
* Teito had a dictionary he always refereed to when he was a slave, and especially when he was in the academy, because he didn't know some words the people around him said despite him being, to a point, a lot more book smart than them. This is because he was utterly unfamiliar with casual terms or slang-- even the most common, like 'Mom' instead of 'Mother'. In camp, he sometimes does this inconspicuously, because he still doesn't know a lot of terms.
* Teito sucks at doing anything domestic, except cleaning. Even then, when he cleans he does it in a very strange way-- balancing like a acrobat on top of shelves in order to reach some dust, for instance.
* Hilariously, compared to above, Teito is a natural expert at making voodoo dolls and poisons.
* The main reason why Teito is a prude is because he doesn't like the way hormones and arousal make him feel out of control, when control used to be the only thing he had.
* This lack of control can also apply to why Teito is so hotblooded. When there's something he can't control, he lashes out against it.
* Teito has a thing for blonds. This may as well be canon, but it will never be confirmed.
* He's actually a pretty touchy person-- or rather, he enjoys touch, but only when it's the kind of touch he feels he has control over.
* Teito sometimes wonders, with all the comments he gets sometimes about being acrobatic, if joining a circus when it's all said and done wouldn't be such a bad idea.
* Teito's starting to realize he has favorites-- such as colour, food, etc, but doesn't want to say them in fear that he may be wrong and something better may come along that he can't get because he said something else was his favorite first.
* ...ever since Burupya aged up, Teito can admit that maybe dragon's ARE a bit badass.
* Teito's especially weak to girls, not so much because he's attracted to them, but because he doesn't know how to react to them unless they are mother-figures. Because he's expected to be attracted to girls, he let's his hormones do a bit more talking around them too.
* He never thinks of himself as a prince, and always as a slave.
* Teito's okay with nudity as long as the other people naked around him are the same gender (or old women who manage a bar and he can't see as caring/wanting to know). This is due to having to take communal showers/baths both in the academy and the church.
More may be added as I think of them :|a