Jun 14, 2009 15:40
2 Drabbles, Untitled
Fandom: The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan
First posted on fanfiction.net (where I post all my crap stuff under the name Areli-Kokuchi)
Alan asked Nick once if he had ever considered suicide.
Nick had looked at him as though he was mental.
"Let me rephrase, ever thought about just letting a magician get you? Not fighting back?" Alan looked straight into Nicks eyes.
"Maybe. But there's you."
Alan smiled. "So?"
Nick just looked at Alan like he was being weird again and went back to attempting to pull the oven out so he could reach the dead mouse (that hadn't been a demon) down the back.
Alan was thankful the "are you mad" expression wasn't any more uncomprehending than usual, even though he knew it should have been.
Nick had let Alan talk to him about the demon thing after a bit. If only so that he could ask questions back.
He'd known that asking most of the questions he wanted to ask would get no understandable response, the same way he'd known Anzu would not be able to explain what a demon was, but he asked some of them anyway. Alan was the sensitive intellectual type after all. He might make some sense.
"Explain the touching."
Alan placed a mug of tea on table in front of Nick and sat opposite him nursing his own. He paused before answering.
"Looking at it objectively, I thought you'd understand it, even though I knew allready you didn't."
Nick sent a look of annoyance at the non-answer. Alan pushed forward.
"It's like . . . all the stuff you can't put into words, or haven't got enough time to put into words, or is too big to put into words, or is too . . . specialist, exact, to put into words. Most of it can be expressed through touch."
Nick looked at Alan for a second and nodded. Alan couldn't tell if he got it or not but he thought Nick seemed pleased that he had tried and didn't make it too awfully awkward.
the demon's lexicon