My new nephew, Butler!
From this angle.. resembles Whisper..
On his catnip scratch board.
I thought this pic was cute =)
Chris petting him under the table..
Now you can kinda see from this angle just how big he is..
To think - hes a little over a year and he's 16.3 pounds. WOW!
Hahaha this pic you can tell how big he is!!! Or as Cleary would say, "THAT'S ONE HUGEEEEE BITCH!"
He puts his paws around your neck like he is hugging you.. it's sooo cute!
He loves to be held.. he thinks he is a little lap cat.. LoL...
Pretty much just uploading pix right now..
Did absolutely .n.o.t.h.i.n.g. tonite.. It was kinda nice to have a relaxing nite.
I ordered food and hung in with my brother & Nate and watched Unico.. it was nice- lol .. going down memory lane with that movie..
Then spent the rest of the nite looking at animals..
I fell in love with a doggy and I applied to adopt it.. it's so freakin' cute!!! I have a feelin' it won't actually happen, but we'll see!
Trivia last nite was interesting.. afterwards went to Dockside.. left and then Manda told me the guy next to me apparently wanted to talk to me but was too scared to? I don't get guys.. lol.. It's funny, I can go out and have guys like try and talk to me or dance with me.. but I can't get a boyfriend. Blah ! I don't get it!!!!
We got 25 and the winning team got 33, so I would say we didn't do too shabby. And Timbo and Jimbo are fun. :) Einstein & The Soxy Senoritas kick assssss!
Going for now. TTFN