Remember that discussion about bodyswap/genderswaps earlier? Well, thinking on that prompted this drabble. Also, apparently drabbles are the only lengthy writing I can manage without my laptop.
Title: Came Back Wrong
Summary: Buffy came back wrong in a whole 'nother way.
Ratiing: PG-13
Warnings: None... well, suggestive talk, but really not that much.
Word Count: 100
“Don’t you get it? Don’t you see? You came back wrong.”
“Duh! Of course I came back wrong. I’m five inches taller, I’m flat-chested, my hair’s short and, oh yeah, I’m a guy!”
“Well, yeah. There’s that,” Spike admitted. “But I was talking about how I can punch you without the chip firing. That only works on demons, love-erm, mate.”
“You think I care I might be a demon? I pee while standing up! Things move down there that shouldn’t be moving and… why are you laughing? No laughing!”
“You’re just lucky I go both ways, Slayer.”
“Wha huh?”