Title: Have a Little Faith (Bonus Ficlet)
Pairing: Sam/Hand (mentions of Dean/Cas)
Rating: R
Genre: Bonus Ficlet, Humor
Word Count: ~370
Spoiler: Vague Season 6
Warning: Mild Porn
Summary: Sam has a minute to himself.
A/N: The idea of Cas popping in on Sam having a special moment with his hand was too funny to pass up.
Have A Little Faith Masterpost “Whatever, just go. I’ll call you if I figure anything else out.”
As soon as Dean and Cas were out the door Sam was on the phone with Bobby. “Yeah, so it’s not vampires.”
“And you know that how?”
“Castiel dropped by.”
“He ‘dropped by?’ Doesn’t strike me as the social visit kinda guy.”
“Yeah, I know. But he’s helping us out, so we might as well run with it. It’s good to see him without an apocalypse or holy civil war hanging over our heads.”
“Where’s he now?”
“Him and Dean went for drinks.” There was a silence on the other end. “Bobby?”
“Now that things are calmer maybe those idjits will figure it out.”
“Yeah, well, we’ll see.”
“It drains blood and it’s native to the region you’re in. Never heard of one attacking humans, but it’s all I got.”
“I think Cas said there weren’t any dangerous supernatural creatures in the area.”
“Well, it’s all I’ve got. Maybe he missed one.”
“Thanks Bobby. I’ll keep in touch.”
“Stay safe, boy.”
“I will.”
He hung up and texted Dean. “called bobby, he says: chupucabra?” As his message was sending he took a seat at the foot of the bed and turned on the TV. He flipped through the channels until he spotted pay per view porn. He had mountains of paper to sift through and he should be watching the local news for information, but he hadn’t had a moment to himself in days. And now he had just enough time for one porno.
“no supernatural creatures dumbass,” was Dean’s text response.
“jerk,” he text back. Then he selected a movie and hit play. He heard the sound of another text message, but he didn’t have to look at it to know it said “bitch.”
The porno was exactly what he needed. It started off with two busty blondes in ridiculously tight nurses outfits whom were saying something about a ‘Dr Big Dick’ and who really cares what else. He unzipped his pants, reached in, and…
“I see you will not be needing these.”
Sam jumped off the couch and stared at the angel in the kitchen. He was gesturing to the files on the table. “I, uh, Cas, no…”
“Carry on.” And the angel was gone with all paperwork.
Mood killed. He turned off the TV and mourned the loss of his erection.