Have a Little Faith (Part 6)

Mar 01, 2011 18:57

Title: Have a Little Faith (part 6)
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Rating: R
Genre: Case Fic
Word Count: ~1700
Spoiler: Vague Season 6
Warning: Profanity, Masturbation
Summary:  Cas informs Dean that he’s stumbled into a giant supernatural mess… again.

Have A Little Faith Masterpost

Dean opened his eyes to a dark room.  The only illumination was a small strip of light spilling through the crack between the curtains.  It’d been late afternoon when Cas flown them back to their motel room, but the light coming from outside didn’t seem to be sunlight.  It resembled the sickly florescent hue of the lights in the parking lot so he assumed that it had to be night by now.  He wasn’t exactly sure how long he’d been asleep for.

“Six hours.”  Suddenly Dean was aware of Castiel lying next to him.  He could barely see Castiel’s features, but his eyes seemed to catch just enough like to be haunting and beautiful at the same time.  “Sorry, I was actually reading your mind that time.”

Dean smiled.  “It’s ok.  Right now anyway.”  As Dean’s eyes adjusted he noticed Cas was mimicking his casual perpendicular position across the foot of the bed.  The only difference in their posture was Cas’ hands, which were neatly folded on his stomach instead of sprawled out lazily above his head like Dean’s were.  He wondered if Cas had been lying next to him like this for the entire six hours.

He heard Sam’s deep and steady breathing and knew that his brother must still be passed out on the couch.  Then he remembered he hadn’t even changed out of his bloody shirt when they’d gotten back.  Cas had healed his throat, but his shirt was still drenched with blood and sticking to his chest.  He honestly felt pretty damn gross.  “I should probably take a shower.”

“I’m needed in Heaven, but I will be back.  There is… something we need to discuss.”

“Why don’t I like the sound of that?”

“Because when we need to speak with each other, it is rarely a good thing.”

“No kidding.” Dean chuckled.  “How bad is it this time?”

“I’ll know when I return.”

“You didn’t have to wait around until I woke up if it’s that big of a deal.”

“I’ve been in constant contact with Heaven and my presence isn’t required.”  Sometimes Dean forgot about Angel Radio.  He didn’t really understand it all, but he had faith in Cas so he decided to just go with the flow.  “Good bye, Dean.”

His departures were still extremely awkward, but at least he tried to announce them now.  Dean stared into the darkness for a few seconds before the blood on his chest became too uncomfortable to bear.  He stood up and made his way to the bathroom.

As he was undressing he looked in the mirror to see if he had any new angel prints.  The hand on his shoulder was still the only mark he could see.  Maybe angels only left marks if they touched you while in their true form.  Maybe that doesn’t happen when they are in a vessel.  Or maybe it can be attributed to any of the other differences between this resurrection and the last one.  Once again he was clueless about how angels worked.

As he showered he thought about all the possibilities of what Cas needed to talk to him about.  He seemed pretty concerned about this demon.  Castiel didn’t unleash his true form just for kicks.  He could have seriously hurt somebody so this particular demon had to be something special somehow.  Dean hoped this wasn’t the case because he really couldn’t take another unimaginable big baddie right now.

If it wasn’t the hunt they’d just finished, it could be that damn kiss.  He wasn’t sure what came over him.  It just felt like an instinct.  The guy did just bring him back from the dead.  He hoped that’s how Cas would interpret it anyway.  Getting physically involved with angels seemed like it was obviously a taboo.  It appeared that only the angels who left Heaven even bothered attempting it.  Now that Cas was the big man on campus he was probably held to a higher standard than Anna or Gabriel.  Even when Cas was cut off from Heaven he seemed hesitant about it.

Then again, he did kiss Meg.  That one still puzzled him.  He’d been so terrified in that brothel, but slammed Meg into the wall and made out with her like a pro.  And why was he watching porn that day anyway?  Has he watched any since then?  What’s he been watching?

He suddenly realized he was standing naked in the shower thinking about Castiel and porn.  Worse yet, he had been spending just a few seconds longer than he should have cleaning his cock and he should probably think of something else if he was going to continue this.  He stroked a few more times and oh God, Cas can feel everything he does.  He hadn’t had an opportunity to jerk off since that revelation.  Now he understood just how uncomfortable that act was going to be for the rest of his life.  An angel can literally feel him jerking off.  Awkward!

And then it dawned on him that if Cas could feel everything he felt, he must know exactly how Dean felt during that kiss.  And, well, Dean wasn’t entirely sure what that churning bundle of emotions meant.  He knew he felt comforted and drawn to Castiel in a deeply profound way.  Both his body and soul needed to be as close to the angel as possible and kissing him felt like the best way to express that.

He chose to leave the job unfinished and just get out of the shower as soon as possible.  That had been an uncomfortable train of thought and he wanted to derail it immediately.

He got dressed and left Sam asleep in the motel room.  When he stepped outside he was startled to find Castiel leaning casually against the wall by the door.  “Hey.”


“I was just going to hunt down some food.  Want to have that chat now?”

Castiel nodded.  They’d started walking towards a 24-hour diner Dean had seen just down the block.  As soon as they got a few paces away from the motel Dean began speaking.  “So what’d you need to talk about?”

“That demon, his name is Paimon.  He’s known as one of Lucifer’s most devout demons and he’s far more powerful than any demon you’ve ever come across.”  Dean thought about how impossible it was for Castiel to exorcise Alistair by touch and he didn’t even want to imagine something more powerful than that.  “He’s even more powerful than him.”  And so what if Castiel was reading his mind again. He didn’t want to say or hear that name again so he was actually kind of grateful for the intrusive mind reading.

“So did you kill him?”

“No.  If he’d stayed much longer he would have been dead, but when he recognized what I was he fled.”

“So what you’re telling me is that this asshole is still out there somewhere?”


“But why is he here?  Lucifer’s locked up tight.  He’s got no reason to be here.”

“He was summoned.  We don’t know by who or what, but Bebal’s presence means something tried to summon him to Earth.”

“So basically Sam and I stumbled into a giant pile of shit… again.”

“Afraid so.”

“Dammit.  You know, I actually thought I’d get to go back to hunting vampires and ghosts and all those other fun critters.  I’m tired of being a magnet for all this Heaven and Hell crap.”

“You do have a habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Dean released a frustrated sigh and groaned.  A few seconds passed and he decided he’d rather change the subject for now.  Whatever this was that they’d gotten themselves into, they’d deal with it.  Just like everything else.

“So, Cas, I have an unrelated question.”  The angel tilted his head and looked over at him as they walked.  “Was that actually what you look like back there?  I mean, that’s what’d burn out my eyes if I wasn’t dead.”

“Yes,” he said, glancing towards the path in front of them.  “Though I would have destroyed what was left of that building if I was at full mass.  But yes, that was my true visage.”

“That was…  that was just…  of all the crazy things I’ve seen in my life, that was by far the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen.”  Castiel smiled and suddenly looked quite self-conscious.  Dean looked over at his abruptly shy friend.  “Dude, are you blushing?”

“I’m just honored by your words.  I appreciate your sentiment.  I…”

Dean gently tugged at Castiel’s sleeve and pulled him to a stop.  He turned him so they could be face to face and held onto Cas’ hand.  He placed his other hand on the back of the angel’s neck pulled him closer.  Castiel closed the gap and they shared a deep kiss right there on the sidewalk.  Castiel’s other hand buried itself in Dean’s jacket and pulled their bodies closer together.

Dean wasn’t sure how long they stood there clutching at each other in that instinctual way that he couldn’t really explain.  It felt like at least a minute, but he was so lost in the sensations flooding through him he didn’t really have an accurate concept of time.  It could have been hours.  Maybe just seconds.  Somehow his hand managed to bury itself in Cas’ hair and his arm was wrapped tightly around his waist under the trench coat.  Both of Cas’ hands were now buried in his jacket, pulling their bodies firmly together.

He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against Castiel’s.  He was panting slightly as he caught his breath.  “Are you… are you going to get in trouble for this?”

Castiel tilted his head and looked him directly in the eyes.  “Why should I?”

“I don’t know.  Seems like kind of an angel no-no to grope the humans.”

The intensity in those eyes just a couple inches away from his own sent a chill down his spine.  “It isn’t.  It’s just very rare.”

“Very rare,” Dean repeated.  If Sam were here he’s sure Cas would have been bombarded with a million questions about angel customs and history.  But Sam wasn’t here, so Dean dealt with it the Dean way.  “Ok.”  He nodded, wrapped his arm around the angel’s shoulders, and resumed their walk to the diner.

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