So I watched the episode of Glee that was directed by Joss Wheadon. I must admit that I am a tad frustrated with myself in regards to my fandoms.
Usually when I am enamoured with a show, I want to know the episode titles, the director, who wrote the episode, who is guest starring etc.
But lately I just can't be bothered. Case in point. Joss Wheadon, one of my all time favourite writer/director/creator of shows, did I know beforehand that he was directing an episode of Glee? Nope, did it make a difference in how I watched Glee? Kinda
I thought the cinema like qualities were previlant in the show, and there were certainly Joss touches throughout. But the show, while I find enjoyable to watch, just not engaging enough to get into the nitty gritty.
I don't know what it is, maybe I have changed and maybe the shows are just not as compelling to me as they used to be.
Anyway my thoughts.
The idea that Arty would want to walk/dance is not surprising, but contridictory, considering how he is so staunch about being in a wheelchair. It just grated on me the way they treated that storyline.
Neil Patrick Harris, is always great for a laugh, and he did not disappoint as Bryan Ryan. The duet scene was just ridiculous and funny. The attitude of the drycleaner/director at the end of the audition was hilarious, Will and Bryan taking it soooo seriously, while the director is more worried about getting back to his business.
Finding out that the character that Idina plays is Rachel's birth mother was not surprising at all. I guessed that when she was first introduced. Especially since I was sure that the orginal Vocal Adrenaline coach was a guy. So when she was brought into the show, I thought wow Idina looks a lot like Lea Michelle...and it went on from there.
I do like that the writers have introduced a slightly more serious note to the show. Idina was beautiful, touching and sorrowful in the scene in the car, and the duet between her and lea was lovely.
I am feeling a bit ambivelant towards Glee. The music was fun and helped to drive the plot. Now sometimes if feels as though the songs are dis-jointed.