Is that the first two released? I saw one of them but probably not the whole way through. And my memory suuuucks!!! My Alziemers makes my life more interesting with a "new surprise" around every corner.
The reason I thought Vader could be BoBo Fett was because when Obi-Wan chops off Java Fetts head, BoBo sits on the ground holding it- and it looks similar to Vader's helmet. Yes... I love to analyze and create plot lines that George Lucas didn't think of. haha!
you are the cutest girl alive! no...empire strikes back is actually episode 5....made back in 1980...on the snowy planet, Hoth? ok...that's when Darth Vader is all like, "I am your father" and Luke's all like, "NOOOOOOO!!!!" and then he falls down that gigantic shaft in cloud city??
No. I totally didn't see that one. But should've known b/c the "luke, I am your father" has been parodied to know end with the voice similar to that of darth vader.
My BoBo Fett plotline...angel_arianaMay 28 2005, 15:54:35 UTC
Ok, Obi-Wan chops off BoBo Fett father's head and he sits on the ground holding it. The helmut Java Fett was wearing looks like a Vader helmut except for it is grey. So BoBo Fett spray paints the helmut black to show his mourning, and wears it to conseal his identity (and as a memoir of his father)as he leads the clones in their war not for, but against the Republic.
I avoided the commercialsangel_arianaMay 28 2005, 15:57:32 UTC
Everytime one came on, I didn't watch. They always give away the plot lines. I plug my ears and do the "LA LA LA, I'm not listening" that I learned from 2nd grade.
Comments 15
woah....cuz we pretty much knew who he was from like, empire strikes back? did you see that?
The reason I thought Vader could be BoBo Fett was because when Obi-Wan chops off Java Fetts head, BoBo sits on the ground holding it- and it looks similar to Vader's helmet. Yes... I love to analyze and create plot lines that George Lucas didn't think of. haha!
no...empire strikes back is actually episode 5....made back in 1980...on the snowy planet, Hoth? ok...that's when Darth Vader is all like, "I am your father" and Luke's all like, "NOOOOOOO!!!!" and then he falls down that gigantic shaft in cloud city??
remember yet??
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