I was telling the girls in my ESOL group last night about how my mom sent some photos of a young me to my class to show them what I looked like at their age. One of the photos was SO embarrassing. I was wearing my favorite outfit: neon pink knee-length skirt with navy blue polka dots, neon green sleevless shirt with neon pink edging, and a HUGE
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Comments 3
I knew a couple of the songs, but I had no tapes, went to no concerts, had no paraphanalia...people always think I'm lying but I seriously was not into them. That was like, 6th and 7th grade for me, and I think I'd already discovered rap by then :-D
I never got to go to the concerts but I remember I was the coolest girl in my class because not only did my mom allow me to have a sleepover, but also ordered one of their concerts on Pay Per View when I was 8 almost nine in 1989!
I really should be embarrassed but I had everything... the dolls, the buttons the Teen Beats everything! I even had the stage that the dolls were supposed to "perform" on until my cousin Brandon used it for his GI Joes and smashed it or something.
Good Times I say!
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