Huh. Tonight's episode of Gossip Girl was...interesting.
So, no big surprise, Bart bit the dust. We didn't even get to see the poor guy, except in a newspaper photo. Lame, that.
Chuck was absolutely, positively heartbreaking. I absolutely loved that the show remembered that Blair, Chuck, and Nate have been friends for a long time, and that those were the two who tried to be there for him. I loved his confrontation with Dan. Serena, naturally, was somewhat annoying, because clearly having her ex-boyfriend at the funeral of her stepfather, who she didn't even like, was more important than trying to ease the pain of the guy's son. *eyeroll* At least she was wearing more clothes this week. And oh, God, how heartbreaking was it when Erik told Chuck he didn't want to lose his brother? *sniffle*
Of course, there was the Chuck/Blair storyline running throughout the episode. Honestly, the only somewhat false note for me came during her confession of love. It just felt...overwrought, and not in a particularly organic way. And the way she wiped away her tears? Very odd.
On the other hand, him showing up in her bedroom, absolutely wrecked, and her embracing him? Perfection. Naturally, they couldn't get a happy ending, but it felt right to me. The two of them are like magnets, but when the poles are flipped the wrong direction, it just doesn't work.
And then there were Chuck and Lily. Christ on a cracker, Lil, you're a selfish bitch. For her to even suggest that if Chuck hadn't called Bart, he wouldn't have been in the accident?! My God, woman, if you hadn't been mooning over Rufus at the effing school dance, none of this would have happened!
Did Chuck's burning the secret mean he decided not to tell?
So, Rufus and Lily have a baby. Way to be original, show. Maybe he/she can make yamulclauses and help the Cohens celebrate Chrismukkah next. Oh, wait, that was that other Josh Schwartz show.
Eleanor and Cyrus getting married was intensely adorable, and I love that Blair is bonding with Cyrus. Wallace Shawn rules. And Dorota was totally in the wedding! Whee!
Finally, I vote that Serena stays in Buenos Aires.