Oh man, Jacob, there's being verbose and then there's just ridiculousness. I used to like some of his recaps, but I took one look at his Gossip Girl recaps and went "...NO THANK YOU."
Honestly, I get twitchy if they're more than 10 or 11 pages. I clicked on the GG one, and happened to glance down at the page numbers. I was totally shocked.
TWoP used to be so fun...like back when it was MightyBigTV. :) Now it's just so pretentious and elitist, and the forums are the 9th circle of Hell.
Seriously. It's not supposed to be a substitute for watching the show...it's supposed to be a companion. Which means we do not need to rehash every damn detail.
P.S. Go here if you're so inclined...I still need prompts. :)
I'll never understand why they gave that show to Jacob of all people. I mean, his whole "now I'm going to 30 pages of analytical meta-theory" style is sort of okay on a show like Battlestar Galactica or whatever where the content of the show at least supports that sort of analysis. But GOSSIP GIRL?! Come on! That's the kind of show that begs for fun recaps of funniness, not theorical essays on the character of humanity or whatever the hell.
I understand the economy is bad and all, but did they have to cut back on the editing? I don't watch the show and that is extremely long for a recap.
Maybe it's a part of that whole annoying policy of not allowing one-page views in order to get multiple ads during a recap read. I absolutely hate that about TWoP.
They also need to master the art of not thinking they are actually important in the overall scheme of the world, since about 95% of the site is permeated with hubris these days.
Comments 13
TWoP used to be so fun...like back when it was MightyBigTV. :) Now it's just so pretentious and elitist, and the forums are the 9th circle of Hell.
I wasn't around when it was MBTV, but I did have a ton of fun there back in the day, like 2002-2003. It's definitely gone downhill in a huge way.
P.S. Go here if you're so inclined...I still need prompts. :)
I do not want 34 pages of pretentious blither.
Maybe it's a part of that whole annoying policy of not allowing one-page views in order to get multiple ads during a recap read. I absolutely hate that about TWoP.
Dude, that's long for a term paper. :)
There are so many things I loathe about TWoP these days, I wonder why I go there at all.
Christ. That's excessive.
TWOP's staff needs to master the art of being snarky in 750 words or less.
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