This is my new puppy. He's a purebred male chihuahua. He's almsost 2 years old and weighs 11 lbs. Sean has named him Chip- in memory of my precious Flip! I got him for free that tans at the same salon that I do. He's quite timid almost as if he's been hit or something. He's getting better and I think he really is starting to like me and Sean. Actually he likes Sean the most-he only humps him! LoL. On monday we will be taking him to get neutered- the lady never did that and I don't want him marking on my new furniture. He really is a good dog. His name was Mochacchino but he doesn't respond to that and we really didn't like his name. You can tell he's never been taught anything but to go potty outside- which is a good thing! Do you think he's cute?
He's beautiful and I don't even like Chi's :D If you ever need general dog advice, I could talk your ear off :)
Yeah, we had to get the Moon Goon spayed at about six months because she was about to go into heat. Is he well-behaved? I know Moony wasn't trained in her first five months and now she's a little terror. Then again, that could be the lab in her. Who knows?
I don't like Mochaccino, either. I like Mochaccino's, but that's a terrible name for a dog. So impersonal. I like the name Chip.
I was thinking of changing Moony's name when we adopted her from Marly (ew, I know) to something with a D, since that's been our tradition: Duke, Duchess, Dante, Daisy, but I wanted to break that tradition. Heh.
Don't you love it when the males show affection? They're all "Oh, I love you so much! *hump hump*" Haha.
Comments 4
Yeah, we had to get the Moon Goon spayed at about six months because she was about to go into heat. Is he well-behaved? I know Moony wasn't trained in her first five months and now she's a little terror. Then again, that could be the lab in her. Who knows?
I don't like Mochaccino, either. I like Mochaccino's, but that's a terrible name for a dog. So impersonal. I like the name Chip.
I was thinking of changing Moony's name when we adopted her from Marly (ew, I know) to something with a D, since that's been our tradition: Duke, Duchess, Dante, Daisy, but I wanted to break that tradition. Heh.
Don't you love it when the males show affection? They're all "Oh, I love you so much! *hump hump*" Haha.
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