GISHWHES Runner Up Prize run down....

Mar 19, 2013 21:18

Edit: the key part has been blacked out by request.  Personally I don't care about you guys seeing it, but yeah, it was a prize after all.

So the runner up teams started getting things in the mail about 6 days ago...

As mentioned in a previous post, a medal was one of the prizes.

We also got a bag,

a signed letter by Misha,

and, the most curious thing, a clue.

This is when things got interesting...

Team Widdermacker's team leader, Monroe, was the first to reach out via Tumblr.  Her and I quickly latched onto each other, then we absorbed Team Robothead and then the others started joining in one by one.  We quickly determined that a combination of GDocs (yes, I know, I have a GDoc fetish, BUT SO DO THESE GUYS) and Facebook were the ideal ways to communicate.

Each clue had something fandom related, a number, and a letter.  We very quickly realized that putting the numbers in order would start to spell something.  But what?

And the fandoms were in groupings, which also appeared to be in numerical and sequential order (episodes or chapter titles, for example).

Our guesses started evolving as the clues rolled in.

At one point we became so desperate for clue that we started ripping our bags apart and using the cardboard from our medals to create an image and, well, neither of these things were important but we did it anyway.

And then finally it became clear that it was a URL.

We'd each also received a secret passcode, which allowed us to download an amazing screen saver from the website.  This whole experience was brilliant and I love all the new fandom friends that I made.

misha collins, i hope misha does see this, wtf, wut r dis, gishwhes, non-spn misha stuff, i hope misha never sees this

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