Good God, my parents are arguing about beetroot. My father can really be ridiculous sometimes. How on earth have they managed to develop underlying resentment about whether he likes beetroot or not? What the actual fuck??? Bizzare.
So, I'm home, obviously. Only until tomorrow night, then I've got work in Cardiff, Rach's graduation and then back here for the anniversary party. Whoot! It's lush being back. I do need to sort out some more work though. I'll probably get involved with the am-dram lot down in the Dylan Thomas Theatre. It won't be brilliant for real industry contacts but it should be fun and it'll keep me busy. I don't fancy whoring myself out to too many festivals and I don't think I can got to W.I.T this year. It's a real shame, it was so much fun last summer and so good to meet so many feminists and lesbian couples. But I can't level it with myself, going when they've outed themselves as being so transphobic, and not only transphobic but unwilling to change or admit that they're attitude is outdated and old fashioned. I keep meaning to email them, just so they know the reason that I won't be there. I don't think they'll ever change unless it's rubbed in their faces what fools they sound like. If I was really keen on festival work then it would be different, but I'm much more into straight theatre stuff. I should have got my act together and gone to Edinburgh but I can't really afford it without working there and I value August too much. It's not that I need the three months off, I'd much rather not have so long in September before term starts, but August is when I can see my family and go on holiday with them so... meh, plenty of time to work when I've got no other choice!
Had lunch (well, three cups of tea and a cinnamon bagel) with Nat this afternoon. True to form, I have been awful at keeping in touch with both her and Mon again, but so have they and I think we all have our reasons. This term's been hellish for me, and even more so for Nat. She had her surgery on her right shoulder and it wasn't as successful as they'd hoped. They'd thought they could get away with taking only half the rib out, but it didn't work so she's going in again in a week to have the bigger op that they had to do on her left shoulder. It's shit, but as she says, at least one they've done this one she'll know that there's nothing else they can do and the mobility she'll have is what she'll have to live with. Right now her shoulder's practically locked solid. The last time she was in hospital they fucked her pain control up and took her off the morphine two days early so fingers crossed she doesn't have to deal with that sort of fuck up again. And the uni have taken her off their roll for this year so that her failing her intercollation anatomy degree doesn't show on their records so she now suddenly owes about £600 council tax. I think that sort of thing should be illegal, I really do. I've suggested trying the Student's Union but she's hardly got the reserves to deal with the bureaucracy of it all. ARGH it makes me angry!!! It was really good to catch up though. Tom got a First and they've made tentative plans to move in together next year when his job starts in Bristol. Remembering the state that they were in this time last year, I can't believe they're so strong now. It's really good though, even though Tom's insecurities and issues have taken their toll in the past, I'm so glad that she's got him on her side. When she got home her mum made her sleep on the sofa because her sister (who she shares a room with) was doing her exams. You can't expect someone with chronic shoulder pain who's been out of hospital less than a week to sleep on a sofa bed. Like, WHAT?!
I need to call Mon. Nat said she'd finally started seeing that Callum boy from her course. They've only been flirting with each other the entire time they've known each other! (all three years of their course) I hope it lasts, she deserves a happy relationship.
Watched The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone with the parents last night. It was really fun. And I think those episodes really improve with rewatching. The first time I wasn't as impressed as I hoped I'd be, but now I've seen them four times and they actually got more scary! I know that's not really the aim, they should have been scary the first time if they'd been brilliant, but I don't care. I've already begged for the DVDs when they come out. I've got series three on DVD now, so that should keep me distracted over the summer. Mmmm David Tennant. I'm so happy to have a fandom again! Now I'm watching that Music and Monsters special. I <3 geekdom.
Doing Gareth's room was... interesting. Well, I enjoyed it because I'm a massive organising freak. It was in a ridiculous state though, it hadn't been cleaned for like three years. Boys are gross. At least he's relatively clean, there was no mouldy food, just A LOT of dust. And all his school work from all of comprehensive school. And all his old pokemon cards and young adult fiction etc etc etc. LOL. It was really nice to spend the time with him. He just makes me laugh so much! I was dreading finding something gross like used condoms or something, but thank god, there was nothing. Just some condoms safe in their box that I'm going to pretend he's got "just in case". He's still my little brother!!
Rach's mum just came round in a big flurry. She's given my parents wine and a anniversary card before Saturday because on Saturday "they won't want to be bothering with carrying presents home". She's so cute. She's also invited me to Rach's graduation meal out, I'm looking forward.
Having Sunday dinner tonight because brother is watching the football final tomorrow night. I can smell it, I'm excited! Think they’ve stopped arguing about beetroot as well :D