trade log (archive 1)

May 24, 2010 06:49

    Links ★★★

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May ★★★

5.28: Received 8 cards for (pre)joining. [honest19, hyperion07, optimist07, pitcher07, rose05, rose09, timberowl12, trumpet17]
5.29: Received 2 cards for responding to join post. [sympathy18, timberowl06]
5.29: Received 3 copies of my signature.
5.31: Received 8 cards from Release 001. [erokappa18, flame05, fullmetal05, meister18, monocle01, rose01, scar01, timberowl02]
5.31: Traded with Dera. [erokappa18 for rose08 (1/20)]
5.31: Traded with Kikai. [monocle01 for rose10 (2/20)]
5.31: Traded with Rhap-chan. [scar01 for timberowl01 (3/20)]
5.31: Traded with Tari. [meister18 for timberowl03 (4/20)]

June ★★★

6.03: Received 8 cards from the second starter pack. [achoo14, arrogant20, goggles08, goggles17, honest05, kind01, logic10, magical09]
6.03: Traded with Chuu. [optimist07 for rose11 (5/20)]
6.03: Traded with Sakusha. [magical09 for timberowl18 (6/20)]
6.04: Traded with Lucius. [arrogant20, trumpet17 for timberowl05, timberowl15 (7/20, 8/20)]
6.04: Traded with Laxis. [honest05, honest19 for violence01, violence06 (9/20, 10/20)]
6.06: Received 8 cards from Release 002. [acepilot06, goggles01, kind20, magical14, operator10, persocom05, raven01, stapler14]
6.06: Traded with Chuu. [raven01 for goggles02 (11/20)]
6.06: Traded with Kikai. [persocom05 for goggles03 (12/20)]
6.06: Traded with Norkia. [acepilot06 for goggles04 (13/20)]
6.06: Traded with Lex. [hyperion07 for goggles05 (14/20)]
6.06: Traded with Rin. [operator10 for goggles06 (15/20)]
6.06: Traded with Kaiya. [magical14 for rose06 (16/20)]
6.06: Traded with Chuu. [stapler14 for timberowl19 (17/20)]
6.07: Traded with Aletha. [my signature for hers (18/20)]
6.08: Traded with Chikky. [flame05 for timberowl20 (19/20)]
6.10: Won 2 cards from Poké Radar 1. [memories14, rock16]
6.10: Won 3 cards from Neku's Music Station 1. [maid10, model05, shocking05]
6.10: Traded with Nem. [logic10 for maid05 (20/20)]
6.10: Exchanged cards at Switch It Up 1. [achoo14 for goggles12]
6.10: Received 2 cards and a crayon for completing a sketchpad. [logic15, pentagram09, red crayon]
6.10: Traded with Rin. [fullmetal05 for maid17 (1/20)]
6.13: Won 2 cards from Art Lessons with Rukia 1. [pentagram10, secret01]
6.13: Traded crayons with Sakusha. [red crayon for blue]
6.14: Traded with Kikai. [rock16 for maid14 (2/20)]
6.14: Traded with Kaze. [logic15 for maid06 (3/20)]
6.14: Traded with Norkia. [shocking05 for maid12 (4/20)]
6.14: Won 2 cards from Conan's Clues 1. [loyalty09, phones18]
6.14: Won 2 cards and a crayon from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 1. [chat13, lionheart02, purple crayon]
6.15: Traded with Heidi. [memories14 for pentagram12 (5/20)]
6.15: Traded with Eri. [phones18 for maid07 (6/20)]
6.15: Traded with Norkia. [chat13, loyalty09 for goggles16, maid19 (7/20, 8/20)]
6.15: Traded with Disutansu. [lionheart02 for violence11 (9/20)]
6.16: Won 3 cards from Reading Between the Lines 1. [eccentric10, hornet14, loyalty15]
6.16: Won 3 cards from Neku's Music Station 2. [keyblade19, logic19, maid13]
6.16: Won 2 cards from Host Club Giveaway 1. [operator03, priest02]
6.17: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [maid03, duality18]
6.17: Won 3 cards from Poké Radar 2. [drugs20, hyperion19, persocom05]
6.17: Won 5 cards and a crayon from Beauty Pageant 1. [information04, junes18, kekkai04, swimming09, timberowl07, green crayon]
6.17: Won 5 cards from Graffiti 1. [asobot20, assassin14, fullmetal19, phones02, secret01]
6.17: Traded with Rin. [operator03 for timberowl04 (10/20)]
6.18: Won 4 cards and a crayon from Crossword 1. [charm03, chaos11, dynames03, loyalty04, red crayon]
6.18: Traded with Laxis. [loyalty15 for rose15 (11/20)]
6.18: Traded with Disutansu. [kekkai04 for timberowl08 (12/20)]
6.18: Traded with Rin. [fullmetal19 for pentagram01 (13/20)]
6.18: Won 2 cards from Pick a Color 1. [brave17, prince20]
6.19: Traded with Lucathia. [logic19 for rose03 (14/20)]
6.19: Traded with Kaze. [brave17 for pentagram02 (15/20)]
6.19: Traded with Caitirin. [eccentric10, secret01 for goggles13, violence07 (16/20, 17/20)]
6.19: Traded with Nem. [loyalty04 for pentagram04 (18/20)]
6.19: Traded with Meru. [persocom05, swimming09 for kind11, maid01 (19/20, 20/20)]
6.19: Traded with Siouxsie. [sympathy18 for goggles18 (1/20)]
6.21: Received 2 cards and a crayon for completing a sketchpad. [asobot07, revenge10, gray crayon]
6.21: Won 2 cards from Guess the Color 2. [priest07, swimming15]
6.22: Traded with Patricia. [information04 for rose02 (2/20)]
6.22: Traded with Kidalanna. [charm03 for pentagram05 (3/20)]
6.23: Traded with Mnemosyne. [swimming15 for pentagram03 (4/20)]
6.23: Traded with Lucius. [chaos11 for dynames20 (5/20)]
6.23: Traded with Lex. [hyperion19 for dynames01 (6/20)]
6.23: Traded with Remus. [priest07 for junes15 (7/20)]
6.23: Traded with Lucathia. [assassin14 for violence16 (8/20)]
6.23: Traded with Asuka. [duality18, phones02 for maid02, pentagram16 (9/20, 10/20)]
6.23: Traded crayons with Lucius. [purple crayon for blue]
6.23: Won 3 cards from Neku's Music Station 3. [five15, knightmare05, rubber04]
6.24: Traded with Kikai. [priest02 for goggles07 (11/20)]
6.24: Won 2 cards from Poké Radar 3. [maid07, spear10]
6.24: Traded with Laxis. [prince20 for violence14 (12/20)]
6.25: Traded with Aletha. [rubber04 for pentagram06 (13/20)]
6.25: Traded with Ka-chan. [five15 for dynames05 (14/20)]
6.25: Traded with Sei. [pitcher07 for maid15 (15/20)]
6.28: Won 2 cards from Art Lessons with Rukia 3. [angel14, julia08]
6.29: Won 2 cards from Guess the Color 3. [magical14, sympathy10]
6.29: Won 2 cards from Conan's Clues 3. [heart12, monocle02]
6.29: Won 1 card from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 3. [goggles06]
6.30: Traded with Sabriel. [keyblade19 for maid11 (16/20)]
6.30: Traded with Siouxsie. [sympathy10 for pentagram17 (17/20)]

July ★★★

7.01: Won 3 cards from Reading Between the Lines 2. [information12, raven11, shadow12]
7.01: Won 3 cards from Neku's Music Station 4. [beloved02, boxer02, chat18]
7.01: Won 2 cards from Host Club Giveaway 2. [model15, pentagram01]
7.02: Leveled up to orange and received 3 cards and a crayon. [erokappa07, magical14, maid04, blue crayon]
7.02: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [amulet14, kira17]
7.02: Won 5 cards from Graffiti 2. [brush17, brush20, kira20, secret05, sew08]
7.02: Won 2 cards from Pick a Color 2. [oblivious03, secret11]
7.02: Traded with Kits. [secret01 for goggles10 (18/20)]
7.02: Traded with Nem. [julia08 for violence02 (19/20)]
7.02: Traded with Aletha. [raven11 for dynames02 (20/20)]
7.02: Received 2 cards and a crayon for completing a sketchpad. [brave09, optimist01, green crayon]
7.02: Traded with Schizoid. [spear10 for dynames18 (1/20)]
7.03: Traded with Kaze. [kira17, kira20 for pentagram19, timberowl14 (2/20, 3/20)]
7.03: Traded with Ka-chan. [magical14 for junes01 (4/20)]
7.04: Traded with Kaiya. [erokappa07 for pentagram07 (5/20)]
7.04: Traded with Chikky. [hornet14, monocle02 for goggles09, rose17 (6/20, 7/20)]
7.04: Won 2 cards from Art Lessons with Rukia 4. [rose07, stapler06]
7.04: Traded with Aletha. [secret05 for dynames17 (8/20)]
7.05: Traded with Rin. [heart12 for violence17 (9/20)]
7.05: Won 4 cards and a crayon from Crossword 2. [brave10, duality04, fashion05, kekkai10, orange crayon]
7.08: Received 2 cards for voting in Contest 001. [headband14, scar03]
7.08: Received 9 cards from Release 003. [civilian11, engineer11, friendship13, kunst03, monta01, moon07, morning19, tuxedo19, violence05]
7.08: Traded with Tari. [civilian11, engineer11 for maid16, maid20 (10/20, 11/20)]
7.08: Traded with Chuu. [morning19 for goggles11 (12/20)]
7.08: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [julia10, money05]
7.08: Traded with Remus. [brave09 for junes13 (13/20)]
7.08: Traded with Lucathia. [headband14, scar03 for dynames06, junes05 (14/20, 15/20)]
7.08: Traded with Babs. [kekkai10, money05 for dynames13, violence09 (16/20, 17/20)]
7.08: Traded with Caitirin. [pentagram01 for rose19 (18/20)]
7.09: Traded with Kikai. [kunst03 for rose14 (19/20)]
7.09: Traded with Kaiya. [fashion05 for pentagram18 (20/20)]
7.09: Traded with Lucius. [knightmare05 for timberowl09 (1/20)]
7.09: Traded with Disutansu. [beloved02 for pentagram20 (2/20)]
7.09: Traded with Wing. [brush17, brush20 for goggles20, junes11 (3/20, 4/20)]
7.09: Traded with Eri. [boxer02 for keyblade10 (5/20)]
7.11: Traded with Eurphaessa. [optimist01 for violence13 (6/20)]
7.11: Traded with Moon. [magical14 for dynames08 (7/20)]
7.11: Won 2 cards from Poké Radar 5. [clueless20, fashion10]
7.11: Won 2 cards from Art Lessons with Rukia 5. [spear02, television10]
7.14: Received 2 cards and a crayon for turning in a sketchpad. [flower18, monocle06, orange crayon]
7.14: Won 2 cards from Guess the Color 5. [bubbly01, pentagram10]
7.14: Won 6 cards and a crayon from entering Contest 001. [hatter05, ice01, idol16, memories16, squats18, twinstar05, red crayon]
7.14: Traded crayons with Tari. [red crayon for gray]
7.15: Traded with Jane. [squats18 for pentagram08 (8/20)]
7.15: Won 2 cards from Host Club Giveaway 3. [chupa15, information07]
7.15: Traded with Sakusha. [keyblade10 for pentagram11 (9/20)]
7.15: Traded with Meru. [memories16 for timberowl11 (10/20)]
7.15: Traded crayons with Kaze. [orange crayon for gray]
7.15: Won 3 cards from Reading Between the Lines 3. [005, maid17, scar01]
7.15: Traded in 6 crayons. [3 blue crayons, 3 gray crayons for pentagram13, pentagram14, pentagram15, timberowl10, timberowl13, timberowl16]
7.16: Mastered Pentagram! Received 3 cards and one crayon. [flame20, julia13, timberowl17, yellow crayon]
7.16: Mastered Timber Owl! Received 3 cards and one crayon. [goggles14, starfish20, sympathy04, purple crayon]
7.16: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [five10, rose20]
7.16: Won 5 cards from Graffiti 3. [chat01, ice04, keyblade02, memorized12, persocom16]
7.16: Won 4 cards and a crayon from Beauty Pageant 3. [beloved10, cigarettes08, civilian15, fashion09, gray crayon]
7.16: Traded with Moon. [friendship13 for junes02 (11/20)]
7.17: Traded with Aletha. [hatter05 for kind07 (12/20)]
7.17: Won 2 cards from Pick a Color 3. [eyes04, solar11]
7.17: Traded with Jane. [flame20, oblivious03, gray crayon for dhampir10, junes16, purple crayon (13/20, 14/20)]
7.17: Traded with Chikky. [monocle06 for tuxedo06 (15/20)]
7.18: Traded with Twiggy. [information12 for violence10 (16/20)]
7.18: Traded with Hana. [idol16 for kind15 (17/20)]
7.19: Traded with Kikai. [dhampir10 for maid08 (18/20)]
7.19: Won 2 cards from Poké Radar 6. [amulet06, noble06]
7.19: Won 3 cards and a crayon from Crossword 3. [erokappa11, memorized15, objection08, orange crayon]
7.19: Traded with Chuu. [noble06, orange crayon for chat06, brown crayon (19/20)]
7.19: Won 2 cards from Guess the Color 6. [civilian19, ronin03]
7.19: Traded with Kaze. [memorized12 for information03 (20/20)]
7.19: Traded with Nem. [television10 for information02 (1/20)]
7.19: Traded in 3 crayons. [two purple crayons, one brown crayon for maid09, maid18, goggles15]
7.19: Traded with Meghan. [maid07 for information11 (2/20)]
7.20: Mastered Maid! Received 3 cards and a crayon. [dhampir14, goggles19, revolver06, brown crayon]
7.20: Mastered Goggles! Received 3 cards and a crayon. [literature13, rose04, trainer19, green crayon]
7.20: Traded with Lucathia. [five10 for kind16 (3/20)]
7.20: Traded with Meru. [ronin03 for stapler18 (4/20)]
7.21: Traded with Ka-chan. [solar11 for information18 (5/20)]
7.21: Traded with Lex. [revenge10 for kind09 (6/20)]
7.22: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [amulet15, onmyouji03]
7.22: Won 2 cards from Conan's Clues 5. [ice20, moon14]
7.23: Traded with Tari. [duality04 for amulet18 (7/20)]
7.23: Traded with Remus. [brave10, onmyouji03 for amulet11, amulet12 (8/20, 9/20)]
7.23: Traded with Lex. [revolver06 for violence03 (10/20)]
7.23: Traded with Chikky. [sympathy04 for amulet05 (11/20)]
7.23: Won 3 cards from Neku's Music Station 7. [junk11, mysteria18, scar16]
7.23: Won 2 cards from Poké Radar 7. [achoo19, trainer19]
7.23: Traded with Norkia. [civilian15 for amulet03 (12/20)]
7.24: Traded with Wing. [keyblade02, literature13 for amulet10, amulet13 (13/20, 14/20)]
7.24: Leveled up to yellow and received 3 cards and a crayon. [civilian03, julia02, rose12, orange crayon]
7.24: Traded with Sakusha. [005 for amulet20 (15/20)]
7.26: Traded with Kidalanna. [clueless20 for information08 (16/20)]
7.26: Received 2 cards and a crayon for turning in a sketchpad. [alien17, library10, blue crayon]
7.29: Won 3 cards from Seiyuu Guess 6. [asobot19, automail04, kira15]
7.29: Won 3 cards from Reading Between the Lines 4. [alien14, bandages13, rock04]
7.29: Won 3 cards from Neku's Music Station 8. [bungee06, hatter20, prince07]
7.29: Won 2 cards from Host Club Giveaway 4. [fog17, tomboy01]
7.29: Traded with Aletha. [bubbly01 for tuxedo16 (17/20)]
7.31: Traded with Agathe. [objection08 for amulet09 (18/20)]
7.31: Won 2 cards from Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 6. [rock15, sergeant05]
7.31: Won 2 cards from Conan's Clues 6. [alias17, natsuo02]
7.31: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [julia03, julia04]
7.31: Traded with Sakusha. [chupa15 for chat08 (19/20)]

August ★★★

8.01: Won 2 cards from Art Lessons with Rukia 8. [detective05, maou20]
8.01: Traded with Siouxsie. [alias17, automail04 for amulet17, stapler12 (20/20, 1/20)]
8.01: Traded with Meru. [maou20 for kind04 (2/20)]
8.02: Traded with Laxis. [memorized15 for junes12 (3/20)]
8.02: Received 2 cards and a crayon for completing a sketchpad. [kira19, rookie04, orange crayon]
8.02: Won 5 cards from Graffiti 4. [cigarettes03, magical18, rival08, sew16, shadow07]
8.02: Traded with Jas. [chat18, starfish20 for kind12, tuxedo13 (4/20, 5/20)]
8.03: Won 2 cards from Guess the Color 8. [jealousy18, spoiled08]
8.04: Traded with Agathe. [pentagram10 for rose13 (6/20)]
8.05: Traded with Makoto. [fashion09 for junes17 (7/20)]
8.05: Won 3 cards from Crossword 4. [revolver17, shocking04, sukonbu13]
8.05: Traded with Lucathia. [alien17 for information15 (8/20)]
8.05: Traded with Lex. [magical18 for amulet04 (9/20)]
8.05: Traded crayons with Salt. [orange crayon for red]
8.05: Traded with Meru. [spoiled08 for venus02 (10/20)]
8.05: Traded with Eri. [information02, information18 for junes03, junes09 (11/20, 12/20)]
8.05: Received 8 cards from Release 004. [coffee11, king16, mirage06, obstinate03, orpheus13, sigmund03, thief09, venus01]
8.05: Traded with Agathe. [obstinate03 for venus03 (13/20)]
8.05: Traded with Salt. [orpheus13 for information12 (14/20)]
8.06: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [julia19, spear04]
8.06: Traded with Caitirin. [maid17 for amulet07 (15/20)]
8.06: Traded with Laxis. [coffee11 for venus04 (16/20)]
8.06: Traded with Ka-chan. [mirage06 for venus05 (17/20)]
8.06: Traded with Tally. [sigmund03 for venus06 (18/20)]
8.06: Received 3 cards and a crayon for my birthday. [oblivious18, skypirate14, uranus14, gray crayon]
8.06: Traded with Rin. [bandages13, library10 for civilian07, tuxedo08 (19/20, 20/20)]
8.06: Traded with Tally. [my signature for hers (1/20)]
8.06: Traded with Kikai. [rock15 for venus10 (2/20)]
8.09: Exchanged cards at Switch It Up 5. [bungee06 for civilian10]
8.09: Received 2 cards and a crayon for completing a sketchpad. [caution01, library12, purple crayon]
8.09: Traded with Tari. [thief09 for junes08 (3/20)]
8.09: Won 2 cards from Art Lessons with Rukia 9. [snake05, whispered04]
8.09: Traded with Norkia. [sergeant05 for junes20 (4/20)]
8.10: Won 2 cards from Guess the Color 9. [directions13, ducati08]
8.10: Traded with Twiggy. [moon14 for venus20 (5/20)]
8.11: Won 2 cards from Pick a Color 4. [novelist16, novelist19]
8.11: Traded with Ka-chan. [ducati08 for friendship16 (6/20)]
8.11: Traded with Lucathia. [natsuo02, oblivious18 for civilian12, civilian17 (7/20, 8/20)]
8.12: Won 2 cards from Host Club Giveaway 5. [secret17, violin18]
8.12: Won 3 cards from Reading Between the Lines 5. [phobia15, trainer17, vermouth07]
8.12: Traded with Twiggy. [novelist16 for stapler16 (9/20)]
8.13: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [nerd07, owner12]
8.13: Won 2 cards from Poké Radar 9. [boxer01, foxhound12]
8.13: Won 5 cards from Graffiti 5. [amulet15, chaos04, memories13, pentagram01, twinstar16]
8.13: Received 2 cards for voting in Contest 002. [aimo14, aniue09]
8.13: Traded with Rei. [dhampir14 for kind17 (10/20)]
8.13: Traded with Jane. [aimo14 for stapler04 (11/20)]
8.13: Traded with Eri. [amulet15, scar16 for amulet19, kind02 (12/20, 13/20)]
8.13: Traded with Kayleigh. [goggles06 for information05 (14/20)]
8.13: Traded with Nem. [sew16 for civilian09 (15/20)]
8.13: Traded crayons with Norkia. [purple, gray crayons for 2 red]
8.13: Traded with Siouxsie. [whispered04 for library07 (16/20)]
8.16: Traded with Ka-chan. [skypirate14 for kind08 (17/20)]
8.16: Traded with Chikky. [boxer01 for stapler15 (18/20)]
8.16: Traded with Wing. [novelist19 for venus08 (19/20)]
8.16: Traded with Rei. [sew08 for kind03 (20/20)]
8.16: Traded with Lucius. [chaos04 for civilian16 (1/20)]
8.16: Traded with Mnemosyne. [angel14 for kind18 (2/20)]
8.16: Won 2 cards from Seiyuu Guess 7. [information08, raven15]
8.18: Received 2 cards and a crayon for completing a sketchpad. [captain14, twentyone18, gray crayon]
8.18: Traded in 2 crayons. [2 red crayons for rose16, rose18]
8.18: Traded with Kikai. [asobot07, cigarettes03 for information02, civilian13 (3/20, 4/20)]
8.18: Traded with Jane. [detective05 for civilian02 (5/20)]
8.21: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [asobot10, beloved06]
8.21: Exchanged cards at Switch It Up 6. [achoo19 for stapler08]
8.21: Mastered Rose! Received 3 cards and a crayon. [dragon06, junes04, optimist14, yellow crayon]
8.21: Traded with Jun. [twentyone18 for doll09 (6/20)]
8.23: Won 3 cards from Art Lessons with Rukia 11. [breaker04, cello18, shocking16]
8.23: Traded with Jun. [fog17, spear04 for butler13, gamble15 (7/20, 8/20)]
8.23: Won 4 cards from Poké Radar 10/11. [cheer19, fullmetal01, howl09, timberowl07]
8.23: Won 2 cards from Conan's Clues 7. [council14, loyalty20]
8.23: Traded with Salt. [optimist14 for julia20 (9/20)]
8.23: Traded with Meru. [directions13 for julia05 (10/20)]
8.25: Traded with Ka-chan. [breaker04 for venus13 (11/20)]
8.26: Traded with Caitirin. [owner12 for popular12 (12/20)]
8.26: Won 3 cards from Reading Between the Lines 6. [coordinator11, dynames11, marimo18]
8.26: Traded with Siouxsie. [howl09 for doctor13 (13/20)]
8.27: Traded with Mari. [alien14, information08 for ronin01, venus19 (14/20, 15/20)]
8.27: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [aniue07, cigarettes10]
8.27: Traded with Laxis. [kira15 for venus09 (16/20)]
8.27: Traded with Chuu. [king16, popular12 for amulet02, amulet16 (17/20, 18/20)]
8.28: Leveled up to green and received 3 cards and a crayon. [junes06, knightmare06, pride04, red crayon]
8.28: Traded with Hana. [ronin01 for junes19 (19/20)]
8.28: Traded with Meru. [butler13 for monta13 (20/20)]
8.29: Won 2 cards from Art Lessons with Rukia 12. [answer02, dattebayo11]
8.29: Won 2 cards from Go Fish 12. [dance08, ducati01]
8.29: Traded with Rin. [captain14, model05 for friendship13, monta19 (1/20, 2/20)]
8.29: Traded with Twiggy. [answer02 for violence08 (3/20)]
8.30: Traded with Disutansu. [timberowl07, twinstar16 for civilian04, civilian14 (4/20, 5/20)]
8.30: Traded with Floory. [caution01 for amulet08 (6/20)]
8.30: Won 4 cards from Conan's Clues 8. [008, caution06, kora15, mirage16]
8.30: Received 2 cards and a crayon for completing a sketchpad. [adore11, smoker01, blue crayon]
8.31: Won 4 cards from Beauty Pageant 6. [erhu16, fullmetal13, meister05, otomen13]
8.31: Won 5 cards from Graffiti 6. [cabbage15, five19, glass13, hornet13, ribbon02]
8.31: Traded with Chuu. [adore11, caution06, kora15 for jokes20, julia11, record04 (7/20, 8/20, 9/20)]

September ★★★

9.01: Traded in 3 crayons. [one red crayon, two orange crayons for amulet01, junes07, junes10]
9.01: Won 3 cards from Neku's Music Station 11. [duality07, mysteria14, twentyone04]
9.01: Traded with Jane. [rookie04 for chat04 (10/20)]
9.01: Traded with Aletha. [marimo18 for dynames07 (11/20)]
9.01: Traded with Siouxsie. [dance08 for jokes11 (12/20)]
9.02: Traded with Kaze. [ribbon02 for civilian20 (13/20)]
9.02: Traded with Wing. [raven15 for civilian05 (14/20)]
9.02: Traded with Lex. [meister05, record04 for information01, monta09 (15/20, 16/20)]
9.02: Traded with Salt. [council14 for venus18 (17/20)]
9.02: Traded with Eri. [cabbage15 for civilian05 (18/20)]
9.02: Mastered Amulet! Received 3 cards and a crayon. [arrogant03, drums14, junes14, gray crayon]
9.02: Mastered Junes! Received 3 cards and a crayon. [boxer02, library04, violence04, gray crayon]
9.02: Traded with Kikai. [008 for civilian11 (19/20)]
9.02: Won 2 cards from Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 1. [swimming17, witch16]
9.03: Traded with Jane. [boxer02 for library04 (20/20)]
9.03: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [angel18, memories14]
9.04: Traded with Jas. [chat06, knightmare06, otomen13 for library08, monta07, monta17 (1/20, 2/20, 3/20)]
9.06: Received 2 cards and a crayon for completing a sketchpad. [dango15, doctor14, yellow crayon]
9.06: Traded with Ka-chan. [mirage16 for moon11 (4/20)]
9.06: Traded with Joey. [swimming17 for stapler05 (5/20)
9.06: Won 2 cards from Host Club Giveaway 6. [ragnell07, smile03]
9.07: Traded with Lucius. [fullmetal13, kira19 for stapler07, stapler20 (6/20, 7/20)]
9.07: Traded with Aletha. [memories14 for friendship01 (8/20)]
9.07: Traded with Chivere. [memories13 for kind19 (9/20)]
9.07: Received 10 cards from Release 005. [bite18, chainsaw17, destiny17, dynames09, fujoshi10, lorelei01, novel07, science12, shugo18, van03]
9.07: Traded with Meru. [destiny17 for kind14 (10/20)]
9.08: Traded with Rei. [chainsaw17 for kind05 (11/20)]
9.08: Traded with Hana. [bite18 for dynames12 (12/20)]
9.08: Traded with Norkia. [science12 for violence12 (13/20)]
9.08: Traded with Tally. [lorelei01 for kind10 (14/20)]
9.10: Won 3 cards from Reading Between the Lines 7. [bass05, caution07, veda10]
9.10: Won 2 cards from Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 2. [brave17, memories10]
9.11: Traded crayons with Lazuli. [gray crayon for brown]
9.11: Traded with Eri. [bass05 for civilian06 (15/20)]
9.11: Traded with Remus. [memories10 for tuxedo02 (16/20)]
9.14: Won 2 cards from Art Lessons with Rukia 14.[ice03, prince11]
9.14: Won 2 cards from Pick a Color 5. [chainsaw18, directions09]
9.14: Traded with Rei. [chainsaw18 for chief05 (17/20)]
9.16: Traded with Lucathia. [cheer19 for stapler13 (18/20)]
9.16: Traded with Gil. [snake05 for civilian18 (19/20)]
9.16: Traded with Fluff. [arrogant03 for stapler19 (20/20)]
9.16: Traded with Hana. [smile03 for violence18 (1/20)]
9.16: Traded with Kuri. [secret11 for moon13 (2/20)]
9.16: Traded with Norkia. [veda10 for kind13 (3/20)]
9.17: Received 2 cards and a crayon for completing a sketchpad. [dawn10, skateboard13, gray crayon]
9.17: Traded in 9 crayons. [3 yellow, 3 green, 1 blue, 2 brown crayons for civilian01, civilian15, dynames04, dynames10, dynames14, kind06, violence15, violence19, violence20]
9.17: Traded with Wing. [coordinator11 for monta04 (4/20)]
9.17: Received 2 cards from Recycled Art. [cain19, loveless13]
9.17: Traded with Remus. [dango15, vermouth07 for jokes02, shugo10 (5/20, 6/20)
9.20: Mastered Kind! Received 3 cards and a crayon. [charm06, dynames15, timberowl14, yellow crayon]
9.20: Mastered Civilian! Received 3 cards and a crayon. [dynames16, lionheart01, solar02, brown crayon]
9.20: Mastered Violence! Received 3 cards and a crayon. [dynames19, ero-cook18, tails06, purple crayon]
9.20: Mastered Dynames! Received 3 cards and a crayon. [monocle10, raven15, venus07, gray crayon]
9.20: Received 4 cards and 4 crayons for completing a portfolio. [fullmetal16, pitcher11, rival05, scythe20, 1 orange, 1 purple, 2 brown crayons]
9.20: Traded with Mnemosyne. [mysteria14 for monta02 (7/20)
9.20: Won 4 cards and a crayon from Beauty Pageant 7. [data19, german17, ronin15, whispered11, brown crayon]
9.20: Traded with Tress. [julia02, julia13, model15 for doctor07, library02, van02 (8/20, 9/20, 10/20)]
9.20: Traded with Twiggy. [charm06 for shugo11 (11/20)]
9.21: Received 1 card from Recycled Art. [monta18]
9.21: Received 2 cards for voting in Contest 003. [brave13, deer06]
9.21: Traded with Kikai. [witch16 for uranus08 (12/20)]
9.23: Won 2 cards from Host Club Giveaway 7. [bass14, zanza06]
9.23: Won 3 cards from Reading Between the Lines 8. [arrogant04, dance17, doll19]
9.23: Won 2 cards from Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 4. [reiki10, skypirate15]
9.23: Traded with Aletha. [deer06, ero-cook18 for tuxedo14, van18 (13/20, 14/20)]
9.23: Traded with Chuu. [pride04 for julia14 (15/20)]
9.24: Received 3 cards from Recycled Art. [library05, library15, uranus03]
9.24: Traded with Remus. [ice04, ice20 for cabbage05, van01 (16/20, 17/20)]

October ★★★

10.05: Played Crazy Colors 2. [pentagram01, timberowl14 for crush19, disaster04, eyepatch15, mask11]
10.05: Traded with Jane. [beloved06, secret17 for library18, moon15 (18/20, 19/20)]
10.05: Traded with Kaiya. [skateboard13 for tuxedo12 (20/20)]
10.06: Leveled up to blue and received 3 cards and a crayon. [flower17, saiko07, venus11, purple crayon]
10.06: Traded with Kayleigh. [fullmetal01, fullmetal16 for chief11, monta08 (1/20, 2/20)]
10.06: Received 2 cards and a crayon for completing a sketchpad. [marimo12, wine05, gray crayon]
10.07: Traded with Anna. [3 gray crayons for monta03, monta12, monta20]
10.07: Traded with Kuri. [eyepatch15 for library16 (3/20)]
10.08: Received 3 cards from Recycled Art. [breaker14, information14, objection13]
10.09: Received 8 cards from Release 006. [canada15, fate07, gemini17, intelligent14, manager06, mulberry12, prussia16, spirit02]
10.09: Traded with Norkia. [ducati01 for information18 (4/20)]
10.09: Traded with Hana. [trainer17 for stapler17 (5/20)]
10.09: Traded with Laxis. [tails06 for moon02 (6/20)]
10.09: Traded with Tari. [ice01 for moon17 (7/20)]
10.09: Traded with Aletha. [dattebayo11 for novel04 (8/20)]
10.09: Traded crayons with Harumi. [yellow crayon for orange]
10.10: Traded with Joey. [shocking04 for monta05 (9/20)]
10.10: Traded with Gil. [prussia16 for stapler01 (10/20)]
10.10: Traded with Salt. [gemini17 for information17 (11/20)]
10.10: Traded with Siouxsie. [dance17, reiki10 for chief07, jokes04 (12/20, 13/20)]
10.10: Traded with Chikky. [shugo18 for fujoshi01 (14/20)]
10.14: Traded with Kuma. [wine05 for moon19 (15/20)]
10.14: Traded with Karu. [canada15 for information06 (16/20)]
10.14: Played Izaya's Information Exchange 6. [objection13 for boxer11, cigarettes12]
10.15: Received 3 cards from Recycled Art. [jealousy02, mirage11, zanber18]
10.24: Traded with Kikai. [ronin15 for novel09 (17/20)]
10.24: Traded with Asuka. [arrogant04 for library17 (18/20)]
10.24: Traded with Meru. [caution07 for novel15 (19/20)]
10.24: Won an additional crayon from Izaya's Information Exchange 6. [yellow crayon]
10.26: Traded with Hana. [rival08, zanza06 for jokes15, uranus05 (20/20, 1/20)]
10.26: Traded with Rin. [brave13, german17 for jokes14, venus15 (2/20, 3/20)]
10.26: Traded with Snow. [dawn10 for venus14 (4/20)]
10.26: Traded with Jane. [five19, marimo12 for moon05, stapler14 (5/20, 6/20)]
10.27: Received 3 cards from Recycled Art. [achoo04, brave14, ribbon01]
10.27: Traded with Ouji-tan. [brave17 for stapler09 (7/20)]
10.27: Traded with Rin. [brave14 for monta15 (8/20)]
10.28: Traded with Sealand. [bass14 for tuxedo04 (9/20)]
10.28: Traded with Lucathia. [achoo04 for monta11 (10/20)]
10.29: Received 2 cards and a crayon for completing a sketchpad. [galaxy03, waitress08, gray crayon]
10.29: Traded with Harumi. [chat04 for novel03 (11/20)]
10.29: Traded with Jamie. [tomboy01 for library09 (12/20)]
10.29: Traded crayons with Salt. [red crayon for green]
10.29: Traded crayons with Tress. [brown crayon for green]


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