Merry Christmas

Dec 24, 2012 15:18

I just wanted to take a few moments to wish all of you a very merry Christmas.  And if you don't celebrate Christmas, may you have a very happy holiday season.  With all the sadness of recent weeks, it's important to remember the good things in our lives.  You, my LJ friends, are one of the good things in my life.

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Comments 3

citron_presse December 24 2012, 23:36:29 UTC
You, my LJ friends, are one of the good things in my life.
YES, my flist is incredible! I'm so glad you're a part of it.



muffinkath7 December 26 2012, 20:55:23 UTC
Right back at you, Angela! Hope you had a fabulous Christmas with your family. Hope to see you all sometime this year. I miss ya'll!


tasyfa December 30 2012, 00:24:37 UTC
Hope your Christmas was lovely! Mine was good. I got your card, thank you. ♥


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