Still Alive

Dec 16, 2009 18:03

Although you couldn't tell it from my posting activity around here. My antepenultimate entry turned out to be a little overly optimistic. The fall was a blur of stress and dealing with a very sick child. Things are calmer now, but it's, of course, the holiday season and my oldest turned 18 yesterday. Yes, I'm the mother of a legal adult and ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

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angela_o December 17 2009, 22:59:59 UTC
It was the most stressful experience of my life. Hopefully the worst is behind us now.

I hope that holiday preparations are going well at your house. :)


muffinkath7 December 17 2009, 02:17:40 UTC
Hi Angela! Glad you poked your head in! I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering how you were doing. Sorry to hear that the troubles have continued. :( Here's hoping for a great 2010. Love and miss you!


angela_o December 17 2009, 23:02:44 UTC
Hi Kath! It was a very rough fall, but hopefully the worst has past. Thanks for checking in. I wonder how Nigel is doing now. How old would he be?

Is it frigid there yet? We have a slight chance of snow tomorrow and everyone is quivering with excitement at the prospect.


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