Title: Takin' the Midnight Train PART II
Pairing: Andy/Oscar
Rating: R
Summary: The journey continues.
Author's Notes: Don't expect much. I'm not very good at make-out/sex scenes, but I wanted to try. Also it may be OOC. I don't know. I was too impatient to have it beta'd.
Don't stop believing )
Comments 2
Um. I would like more of those scenes please. (And the other stuff, of course, but Andy/Oscar smutty goodness is a lot harder to come across. I didn't know I'd like it so much, and they haven't even had sex yet.)
Also, I'm really intrigued about the paper. That'll be explained, right? Right? The suspense is going to kill me. :D
I want more Andy/Oscar smut too. There really isn't very much. tigris18 started one and it's killing me that it's not done!
And yes it will be explained! duh-duh-duh!
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