I had waiting for FMA 2 of ep. 1 XD
Oh dude..and oh my god That's cool I watched in YouTube.com of opening and ending it made me jaws drop and speechless. *.*
It leave me confuse for in opening when Gluttony open his mouth Envy out of his (Gluttony) mouth and then Envy's mouth open out of Lust... I don't want know why they made this. =/ XD;
I just want show you this for FMA fans or like it XD;
Opening (edit because the video got deleted poor some people who puts them want show them of it ;/)
Click to view
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and ending it's so cute it look like kids draw them XD
I want some gifs of them XD and ep. 1 is funny about Ed getting pissed about you know who XDDD
What I watched: