Title: It's In Our Blood
Skylar0GraceCrossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Buffy is the property of Joss Whedon, Supernatural is the property of Eric Kripke. If those two wrote together it'd be a beautiful thing. But they haven't, so you have me.
Type: (Gen, Het, or Slash) Het
Word Count: 34,934
Characters/Pairings: Buffy/Dean, Faith/Sam
Warnings: Sex. Violence. Language. All the awesome stuff.
Spoilers: None. Unless you haven't seen Buffy. Or Supernatural. Season six exempt.
Chapter Twelve:
He was four states away before he’d realized how late it was and how long he’d been driving. The times he stopped for gas or a pit stop had blurred. Three or four, maybe five. The sun had long since retired, and when he finally decided to stop for the night, he could feel the difference in air temperature. He had to ask the motel clerk what state he was in as he threw a wad of cash on the table for a room. As he walked in, he cursed the knack of motel rooms looking the same. It was almost like he drove four states away in a circle. It was almost like she was still in that bed. He sat down and relished the few moments on something soft before picking up the phone to find ten missed calls. He opened it, and found that there weren’t any voicemails corresponding.
She’d called him. With her personality the way that it was, he was surprised to see one missed call. She’d called four times. One of them was just a few hours before. He’d guessed it was her last one. He scrolled down to Sam’s last call and almost pressed send, but changed his mind. His brother was more than likely already on his way to trying to find him. That was his plan, anyway. Sam would never choose a woman over his own brother, and that’s what Dean had been banking on. Buffy wouldn’t follow, and Faith wouldn’t leave Buffy. Sam’d be on his own. He felt like hell for even considering the option, but it was the only one he thought that he had.
In theory, sleep should have come easy for him.
He’d hardly slept a wink with Buffy the night before, and he’d driven all day. It didn’t surprise him when he found himself lying flat, staring up at the white ceiling. It was only natural that his mind wouldn’t give him a damn break. It was only natural that the one thing he didn’t want to think about was the one thing that was overflowing in his mind.
It had been a few days when Dean had finally shown up at Bobby’s. It was done on purpose. Cas had gotten what he wanted. Dean was out of town, and that call Dean had presumed was Buffy’s last was also true. He hadn’t heard from her since. Sam called him a few times, but he didn’t bother answering. Instead he sent him a text that he was alright; Two days before, Sam had caught up with him a lot easier than he wanted to admit. He’d even taken a different route to Bobby’s because he wanted more driving time. Sam had found him.
“You always drive east when you don’t know where to go.”
“…Great. Now you gonna quit with the psychology? We’ve got work t’ do.” He started unloading his bag, checking the guns that he’d stashed there, and setting them on the bed. He picked one up and started taking it apart. Sam leaned his back against the wall, setting his own bag on the table that supplied one of the few lights to the room.
“What is it we have to do, dude? Seriously. You might have burned your bridge with Buffy, but I have every intention to keep in touch with Faith. If she can help, I’m calling her. The fact that you’ve got some serious issues with stuff like this shouldn’t even concern me.” Dean didn’t answer him as he searched through the bag for some oil. Sam continued.
“She’s okay, if you wanted to know.”
“I didn’t ask.” Dean didn’t even flinch as he started cleaning his gun. His brother knew him better than anyone. He was grateful for the little piece of information however unwanted. Resolute in his refusal to care, he didn’t respond.
“She didn’t even say a word about you after I told her you’d gone.”
That’s when Dean threw the half-assed gun and cloth on the bed and glared up at his brother.
“Sam.” It was a threat that Sam was well used to. Stop talking or he’d get a black eye. Dean was well known for carrying out his threats, and Sam usually took heed of them.
“Dude, I’m just saying. It’s what you wanted, right? For her to-“
“What I want is for you to stop tryin’ t’ get a rise out of me. It’s not happening, alright? Now drop the damn subject.”
“Good. Now we gotta go to Bobby’s tomorrow. Cas is going to meet us.”
Sam paused with cleaning his own gun. “So there is something else up, then.”
“Yes, there is. And no, you’re not callin’ your new girlfriend, or whatever she is about it, either.”
“What the hell is this about, Dean? I get you needed to get away from Buffy. I’m surprised you lasted three weeks. But the way you left? The attitude? I know you, dude. I knew there was something else.”
“Cas is going to fill us in.” Which was mostly the truth. Once they got to Bobby’s he’d have to fill Sam in. Until then, he decided to change the subject.
“So, Sammy with a smokin’ slayer.”
Sam seemed irritated with the subject change, but he allowed it. Dean wasn’t exactly the easiest person to win an argument with.
“She’s actually really smart. Dean, they’re really awesome people. It’s not just their strength and skill and all that, either. We had fun. You can’t deny that being stable for three weeks wasn’t awesome…”
Dean laughed, ignoring the trap Sam was blatantly trying to put him in. “Man, she must have been damn good in bed. If you woulda stayed a few more hours, I think you’d be payin’ the milk man a week or something. Pickett fences don’t look good wrapped around a motel.”
“You know that’s not what I meant. Actually, you don’t even have to answer. I saw your reactions to Buffy. I know you better than anyone and I saw the way you reacted when you were with her.”
“All you saw was Faith’s tail, Sammy.”
The conversation at the salvage yard was similar. Dean got a lot of shit from his brother about leaving the women. It wasn’t until Castiel arrived and ecplained did Sam calm down. Dean almost preferred him pissed. He was protecting Buffy, yes. The more he thought about it though, the more he was semi glad he’d left. She’d hated him by now. That made moving on a lot easier. They’d had a roll in the sack, and it was awesome. But that’s all it was. He was an asshole for doing it, and if by some random freakin’ chance that he ran into her again, he’d get his nose shattered.
It was good enough incentive to stay away.
Of course, it was always so much easier to talk big than to actually get over something. His dreams haunted him, giving subtle reminders like a kick in the face.
“Still no luck with B, huh?” Faith was endlessly amused at the events. The four of them had wings and a pitcher of beer at a bar a town away from the one they were staying in. He glared. Yeah, he still didn’t like the bitch.
“I’m not tryin’, bitch.”
“Bullshit. You’re pulling out every move you have and she’s got a natural immunity to you.”
“Right, just because you’ve got the right cup size and half a br-“
“Dude, shut the hell up.” Sam. Of course. As usual.
“I’m pulling for you, Dean. She likes you. You’re just too much of an idiot to find out what makes her click.”
“Or she’s deeper than you. Her light switch isn’t stationed on her low cut shirt.”
“Ouch, burn. Lemmie do you a favor.”
“How ‘bout ya just shut the hell up?”
When Buffy came back to sit down, Dean was glaring at Faith, and Sam was glaring at Dean. “Alright,” She said with a smile and grabbed Dean by the elbow “Come on. Teach me how to break a rack without launching the white ball in a poor innocent bystander’s head. Then, I’ll beat you at darts.”
“Have fun you two!”Faith spoke in a sarcastic winning manner. Dean gave her the finger as he followed Buffy to the pool table.
It was right before they went for a drive. Right before he nearly told her his life story because of her mesmerizing eyes.
Sam reluctantly agreed that leaving Buffy was the best course of action. He wanted to tell Faith, but Dean nipped that idea before it even came out of his mouth. Sam trusted Faith, Dean didn’t. In the end, Dean won. The argument of past experiences usually stood on sturdy ground. As far as Dean knew, Sam cut ties with Faith for Dean and Buffy’s sake.
He wanted to be happy. Faith was a bitch, but all he could feel was complete shit.
Castiel had advised them to take it easy. That translated into research, getting drunk every night and working on his car with Bobby’s resources. Dean had a mental block in taking a break. Sam had the same problem.
Cas hadn’t poofed his angelic ass to Bobby’s for a few weeks. Dean had waxed, tuned, rotated tires, and realigned his car. He was going insane just sitting around.
Thank God for Sammy and his ability to find a case with lightning speed. Thank God for Bobby for having the resources to make it possible.
The lead that Sam had found was a stroke of good luck. Michigan wasn’t across country from Bobby’s.
Choosing not to look a gift horse in the mouth, Dean and Sam headed out on the road, unaware that they were driving right into one of the worst nights of Dean’s life.
Forward to:
Chapter Thirteen! Backward to:
Chapter Eleven. Chapter Ten. Chapter Nine. Chapter Eight. Chapter Seven. Chapter Six. Chapter Five. Chapter Four. Chapter Three. Chapter Two. Chapter One.