The epic cache of knowledge that is my fics. Starting of small but it shall grow and multiple and become the Alexandrian Library of Fiction. Pages after pages of texts so vast it shall indeed rival the greatest library to have ever have existed in the history of mankind....Hopefully.
Wraithful Change Pairing:Dean/Gabriel
Summary:God is unhappy with His children and so he brings Gabriel back to change what has been done. ALong the way it is revealed that Dean is more than he seems
Fallen Love Pairing:Gabriel/Lucifer
Summary: Gabriel decides to make a choice between his brothers and his choice changes Heaven,Hell and Earth forever.
One Last Goodbye Pairing:Dean/Gabriel and Dean/Castiel/Balthazar
Summary:Dean says one last goodbye to his dead lover and in doing so changes the world forever and is thus forced to choice between the ones he loves
One Mistake Changes the World Pairing:Dean/Castiel,one sided Castiel/Balthazar
Summary:Raphael makes a mistake that costs her and Castiel everything
The End! Pairing:Dean/Castiel
Summary:The end has come as Castiel and Raphael face off as does Dean and Castiel
An Unbearable Pain Pairing:Merlin/Arthur, Merlin/Uther,Merlin/Morgana,Merlin/Gwaine,Merlin/Mordred
Summary:Arthur remembers all their lives together as Merlin lays dying in his arms