How are you all?
I'm doing an art spam, just because I can. So these two pages are scans from my German notebook. Most of my friends say that I have a horrid handwriting and even more horrible notebooks. Note: Large pics under a link. ETA: You'll have to copy&paste. Geocities suck.
Doodle1Note the bra!Harry. The sketches on the edge are for my arts project for which I have to create a poster for a short chinese story about a coin or something.
Doodle 2Slovenci: A se vam ne zdi, da ima tisti tip iz skice čisto tako frizuro kot Jan Plestenjak?! Sem bila čisto nesrečna ko je sošolec to omenil.
I watched RotK on Friday and am fascinated by all the hobbit love that I witnessed and never noticed before. I managed to convince two of my friends that Merry and Pipin love eachother and one of them about Sam and Frodo, so I'm quite proud of myself. I am spreading the word of slash.
Today I have also realised that I ship two of my guy friends. I feel bad about it, since it's not just a life of two fictional characters that don't and never will exist, but a life of two actual and existing individuals. I've tried and tried to forget it, but more I think about it, more I like it.
I also fancy a paid account. Does anyone know how I can pay for it? I've tried the Maesto card, but it doesn't seem to work.
I want
Howard Dean to win. He seems a great person and he has
"serious concerns about the increasingly unilateralist approach to foreign policy we have seen from the current Administration, particularly in the President's posture toward Iraq". And he's on The Democratic Party.