Yaaay, the post no one but me has been waiting for, a full catalog of what I did in the last year, with pictures! Because I would rather procrastinate than make things. Honestly, I don’t know how I made this many things in one year with my extremely un-industrious personality.
Some of these things may be familiar to some of you.
1. Tardis pillow
2. Siamese Cat pillow
3. Tenth doctor doll (I think you’ve all seen him)
4. L Doll
More of him
here 5. Ganesh plushie
Some more of him
here 6. Om wallet
7. Ninth doctor doll
More pictures of him
here 8. Tate the poppet
9. Calico dragon
Button joints!
10. Arthur & Merlin playset
There’s Arthur, Merlin, Archimedes the owl, and the sword/stone combo (I can’t remember the name of the sword he pulls out of the stone right now, all I know is that it’s not Excaliber because the Lady of the Lake gives him that)
11. Eureka needlebook
12. Ouran-y jacket
13. Tigan the poppet
14. Chakotay doll
The only thing I really don’t like about him is the length of his neck. He’s giraffe!Chakotay.
15. Jen the Gelfling doll
16. Cookie monster cookie jar
It says “Cookie’s Cookies” on it.
17. Muppety magnets
18. Crab bag!
To be fair, I only did the appliqué on this bag, but I still count it as a project.
19. Pajama shorts (no picture for this one for whatever reason, but I promise I did make them)
20. Two or three (I don’t remember now) Ribbon bags for mom (also without picture, but she took off with them fairly immediately so I didn’t really get a chance)
21. Wrap Capri pants (sorry! I admit it, I don’t take picture of the clothes I make for myself because that would involve me being in a picture)
22. Painted Shakespeare box
I wasn’t terribly pleased with this one.
23. Shakespeare bleach shirt
24. Killer Cactus plushie
Ahahaha, I freaking love this thing.
25. Salute Your Shorts appliqué bag
I did realize my mistake and correct the spelling of Anawanna before I sent it, I just didn’t take another picture.
26. The Beets “Killer Tofu” clutch
27. Stargate Bag
28. McKay Journal (which I bound and built)
29. Sundress for Hallie’s friend (she never actually picked it up because she has the brain of a gnat, but I did make it. Once again no pictures)
30. SGA personal shield pin
31. Link poppet
More pictures of him
32. Mad Hatter Tamaki doll
I’m a little proud of him. There are more pictures of him
here 33. Ouran Host Club stationary clutch
That set includes a journal, ten sheets of Ouran stationary, and two Ouran cards (one Tamaki, one Kyoya) with envelopes.
34. Kingdom Hearts clutch
35. Petshop of Horrors quilted bag
36. Mepple plushie (from Pretty Cure)
37. Earthian Angels journal
38. Capri pants (more no pictures, boo)
39. Ensign Tamaki doll for Vic Mignonga (Yeah, I gave it to him at con cuz I’m a geek)
He’s wearing a red shirt from the original series of Star Trek under his Ouran HS uniform jacket.
40. Painted T-shirts
41. Mini Master doll
42. Torchwood case box
43. White Totoro pillow
44. Gameboy costume
45. Alice in Wonderland costume
46. Preggers Costume ( I was busy this Halloween)
47. Decoupage mirror box
48. Snuggie (with hood!)
49. Little crab bag
It has a zipper on top that you can’t see in this picture.
And this is where Christmas Craftapalooza starts. Not everything was a gift, but everything was made after my sister's birthday on November 13th.
50. Narwhal plushie (this should count as like 5)
51. Beowulf Bleach shirt
52. Kimblee gloves
53. Fourth Doctor scarf
This thing is ridiculously long but I love it! It’s so warm!
54. Yankees Fleece blanket (which is really just 2.5 yards of fleece with blanket binding sewn on the outer edge, but hey, I still made it)
56. Hayate bag
57. Orchid jordy
58. Orchid wallet
And those two together:
59. Orange Doggy Safely vests (one of my personal favorites)
60. Stargate Bears
61. Messenger for Mother
62. Hellsing Messenger bag
63. Four hat
64. Blue hat
65. Blue scarf
66. Christmas stockings
67. Decoupage sketchbook
68. Pet Tote
69. Decoupage Journal
70. Vikings Fleece blanket
71. Giant Squid Plushie
You can see more of him
here, including some of his stomach contents! I love this guy.
Well, that was intense. And that was a list that didn't include some of the teeny things I made, like the small legions of bookmarks I designed on photoshop, and some single polyclay things that didn't have sets. Clearly, I have no life outside my craft supplies and sewing machine. (PS - it really did explode! But it’s better now). I am productive, though, which makes me happy.