Yes, I have not forgotten my vow to make a ragdoll of each of the ten Doctors from Doctor Who, and here is the second installment, Nine.
He's got a bit of a popped collar thing going on there, which I didn't notice at the time of the picture taking. It's tough to keep that little collar down!
There, fixed that.
And his face, which took many a try to make it look just right
I love his big ears! I just think they're so adorable!
And of course, his two hearts
And now, for the jacket which I am quite proud of
I really love the way the jacket came out looking like a real leather jacket. It is, however, actually made of a textured black vinyl made to look like leather, which is fine by me. He is, like Ten, made of broadcloth with felt hair and eyes and embroidered mouth and nose (and hearts). His shirt is dark red jersey (because I thought there would be just too much black if I went with his black jumper). His pants are made of some roma I had left over from another project. I am also rather proud of his shoes, which I made out out felt, laced up with black yarn, and made the soles out of foam. I actually laid three layers of foam for the sole - one sewn in, one glued down, and a third layer cut to look like boot tread and glued on top of that, after which I sewed the toe piece on in felt to cover the glue lines.
So yeah, I'm pretty happy with him. :)
Oh, and here's a group shot (or pair shot, as it were) of both my dolls together.
My two lovely boys together, waiting for their other incarnations to join them.
Ten: Nine, why are you doing big arms? I thought I was going to do big arms!
Nine: I'm doing big arms! We can't both do big arms, can we? I'll do big arms, and you look at me like, "Oooh, he's doing big arms!" (Hehehe, Eddie Izzard, I love you :) )
Two down, eight to go. And I am having so much fun!