Leave me a comment saying "What up!?" and then...
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions
galaxylily )
Comments 8
2. What's your favorite book (how do I not know this?)?
3. You have a mythological creature for a pet (and it won't kill you). What is it?
4. In what era in history would you most like to live?
5. Chocolate or peanut butter?
Or word up. Either way.
2. If you could be any fictional character (taking all that that entails including the cause of death if applicable), who would you be?
3. You have to murder someone. How do you do it?
4. Hellsing or Iscariot?
5. You've written a masterpiece. What is it about?
(What up?)
I don't know ANYTHING about full metal alchemist or anything like that so if you throw one of those at me i might just die.
2. You are a crew member on the Serenity. Which of the current crew members do you think you could best replace?
3. If you could see/ go back stage at a concert by any musician, living or dead, who would you see?
4. Puppies or kittens?
5. If you could speak any language not currently in your repertoire, what would it be?
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