Take a look at your LJ friends list, then list up to 10 things you want to say to 10 different friends. DO NOT state who these people are. DO NOT confirm or deny any "comment speculation". Then tag five 5 people.
01. when you smile, you shine. the only thing i have to say to you is speak up for yourself more. I love you more than anything else. NOTHING will change that. everything else i would say here i've already said to you.
02. thanks for brightening up the second half of this year. you made the dull surroundings much more bearable. i'll be back to see you. you make me smile, thank you.
03. i hope your time spent away hasn't changed you much, and if it has, I hope it was for the better. i can't wait to see you for the first time in almost a year. you are one of the few i feel safe in opening up to. thank you for that. i hope that you and i will always be part of the musketeers.
04. things will eventually get better. i know constant change sucks, but it will all end up better than it started. if all else fails, i hope you know you can come to me for help. you inspired me and made me feel welcome that year. i will be eternally grateful for that. i'm here for you, even if it's been a long time since we've seen each other. i know some bonds don't last forever, but i hope we can get almost as close once more. and you...be a musketeer with 02 and me, too, please.
05. you will find your way. the road has always been rocky for you, as i've seen it. you're a stronger person because of it. no matter what country you end up in, you have what it takes to make it, even if the road is longer than most other roads. i admire your strength and courage, because you've been through so much, and made it through a good person, if a little unique. rock on.
06. you are beautiful, and i'm glad that you have started to realize this. you also are so unbelievably creative and talented. i'm jealous. you are a wonderful person, and worth so much more than it seems you give yourself credit for. make the most of the next four years, and i'm sure you'll go farther than anyone around you can even imagine right now. also, you got me hooked on jingle skirts. thanks. and i wish to get to know you better, because of all i have said, and you are such a fun person.
07. you have been along for a very similar ride to mine, as far as school goes. you were probably one of my best friends i had in high school. you make me smile, and driving around with you is one of the most fun experiences of my life. i love you to pieces, and we will be seeing much of each other this summer, i promise.
08. your growing frustrations sadden me, but i can understand. i just hope that i wasn't a distant part of the equation, because i feel guilty for some of the things you charged people there with in the same way. i just wish you had a better ending with the people you started with. keepers coming home and she'll try to make up for what was lost.
09. i know that when ever we were together we had so much fun, and i loved that. i wish to have more of that, and get to be a bigger part of your life, if only for a summer. you are so dedicated to what you do, and you are much fun to be around, and probably even better to have as a best friend. thanks for listening when i've talked to you, or at least, making me think you were listening. and thanks for being a source of entertainment.
10. you started out pretty cool, and all was good. i wish i wasn't so afraid of speaking around you, afraid of getting shot down so quickly that the surprise of the speed hurts more than the wrongness of what i said. you made me realize that i need to toughen up...and how much i don't need to, also. it hasn't been long since i've known you, but with out you knowing it, you may have forced me to being who i am even more. so thanks. nice to know you. i know i'll see you again, but it'll be much less than i have, and i think that's for the best. maybe this is just my shallow side coming out, but whatever. if you even think i'm alright back, i'd be surprised. maybe you could lighten up on your brother. or maybe i should lighten up on you. don't drink too much, though i'm sure you'd say it was worth it.
blondyesb, ice_cream05, kami_butterfly, fuzzy_chao, artailraven
YAY! my lj cut finally worked! YAY! oh, I am so happy!