!DS/!DT Bodyline and Offbrand closet cleaning!

Jan 30, 2012 21:58

Feedback can be found here
I ship from Seattle, WA. If you live close by, a physical transaction can be made.
I live in a pet-free, smoke-free environment. I'm allergic to both myself... > 3<;
All prices are in USD, and do not include shipping or PP fees.
Priority goes to first to leave paypal.
Feel free to refer to them by number if you don't want to type it out.

Everything here is up for trade, make me an offer!

1. Bodyline Punk asymmetrical blouse.

Proof photo

Asking $15 + shipping, or up for trade.
Sorry for the weird lighting/blur, I just can't get the boyfriend's camera to cooperate. :/

Length 56-65cm
Bust 102cm
shoulder length 42cm
sleeve length 61cm

sizes from site, and it's sold out in this size

This is a shirt a Lolita/Punk friend of mine gave me a while ago because it was too small for her. Punk really isn't my style, though, and I just don't have anything it'll work with.

2.Bodyline punk peter-pan collared bunny blouse.


Asking $15 + shipping or up for trade.
Mine is in pink. 2L60cm96cm84cm38cm20cmThis i bought because it was the cheapest blouse on the site at the time ( I went a little bodyline happy with one of their earlier shipping sales :/)

Once again, punk isn't really my style, but I loved the bunny on it.

3. Pirate/punk tie-on bustle

This was made for me in a gothic lolita craft swap (why does everyone keep giving me punk things? :/)
It's cute, but I don't even have an overskirt, or anything that this would work with. Bother.
Asking $5 + shipping, or a trade.

4 and 5. 2 country straw hats, floral ribbon and yellow sunflower.

These were also given to me by a friend, but they're a bit small on my head. I'd love to trade them for other straw hats especially, since they were for a country coord, but make any offers. :D
Asking $5 a piece + shipping or trade.

6. Handmade floral head bow

Handmade for me in a lolita craft swap. The fabric and lace are nice, but it's very orange-hued, and that's my least favorite color. I really don't have anything to go with it. :/
Asking $3 + shipping or a trade.

7. Secret Shop rose socks

I love these, but they really don't fit me. I have abnormally large calves for my size 6 feet, so they really just aren't comfortable.
I bought these from another comm_sales user, and tried them on once. They acquired some slight wear from her use.
Asking $10 + shipping or a trade.

Feel free to ask questions! Thanks for looking!

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