Name: Morgan Saki Baker
Preferred name: Morgan or Saki, I dont care
Age: 21
Gender: female
Martial Status: I have a boyfriend named David
Educational status: third year in college
--10 Random Facts about me--
10. I have social anxiety disorder
09. I got the disorder because of walking disorder i had when I was little
08. I am part Japanese, part white, and part Cuban
07. I speak Korean or Japanese in public
06. I took ballet for six years
05. I am addicted to sex
04. I cannot stand ice
03. I am allergic to yellow apples
02. I have never had a job
01. I had a twin sister when I was inside my mothers womb, she died at birth
--9 Places I've Visited--
09. Japan
08. Califorina
07. Florida
06. England
05. Korea
04. Jamacia
03. China
02. Holland
01. New York
--8 Things I want to do before I die--
08. get married
07. have at least one kid
06. have sex at least every single day for a year
05. make a gay person straigt
04. see the cherry blossoms again
03. get over my disorder
02. have my scars heal
01. get over my fear of ice
--7 Ways to win my heart--
07. commintment
06. security
05. brains
04. a large dick
03. wit
02. cunning people
01. and someone who will eat my cooking
--6 Things I believe in--
06. sex before marriage
05. spirits
04. stars
03. that there is no God
02. people only care about themselves
01. and that men are the devil
--5 Things I'm afraid of--
05. ice
04. people
03. being surrounded by people
02. winter
01. losing my ability to walk again
--4 Of my Favorite Items in my bedroom--
04. AFI poster
03. blood splatter paint job walls
02. dead tiger rug
01. black bed sheets
--3 Things I do everyday--
03. eat
02. sleep
01. pee
--2 Things I am trying not to do right now--
02. bite my nails
01. sleep
--1 Person you cannot live without--
01. my sister, she is the coolest little kid and i love her, she makes you think
What do you think about:
1. Abortion: if you dont want a little bastard inside you, kill it
2. Gay marriages: if it makes someone else in this world happy, great
3. Drugs: if you want to die quicker, sure thing
4. Religion: its a waste of time
5. Define True Love: being able to see pass perfection, worries and fears
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