Lookie lookie.. a proper update!

Mar 04, 2006 12:33

For once I feel like doing a proper update.

This week has been strange.

On Monday I started running an internet course for the local OAP's group. They want to learn how to use web browsers and emails basically. It pays rather well at £75 for 2 hrs, for 4 sessions, plus £30 for set up costs... So I even get paid for writing my presentations and worksheets. (School is paying for the copying costs anyways, even though technically I should). I was nervous, I've never taught adults before yet alone so many I want to call Mr or Mrs. It was hard to use first names. I relaxed into it and they said I did well. All good! They want me to run another course after Easter. So after tax that's at least £250 in my pocket. More money is good.

Downside is the room is pretty cold (cos the schools heating has been turned off) so I'm looking to see if I can get some fan heaters in. Also I don't get in until 8pm cos I have yet to pass my driving test. If I felt I could I'd skip email programs like outlook express and advise them to set up online emails. Then there's no messing about with pop3 stuff. You have another virus scanner before you download things and it's easier to separate spam from genuine emails for people who don't know much about computers. I have to stick to Microsoft products cos a)It's all the school has and b)They all use it at home. I am however going to sweet talk the schools computer techie into putting on Mozilla Firefox and at least MSN messenger.

I feel that they should be aware of messengers and how to use them. I explained that an email is an electronic letter and messengers are like phone calls. Since one or two of them are more than a bit deaf Messengers could be very useful to them.

I'm also covering internet security, I've split that into two parts, 'streetwise' and 'home'. I've said streetwise is how you conduct your self on the net and what information you give out (or more to the point what into you don't) and home is how you protect your computer, like you would your home.

I think I shall recommend the following free programs:
Firewall: Zone Alarm
Spyware: Windows Anti-Spy (now Windows defender)
Virus checker: AVG

If you feel there are better free programs let me know. Also I'd value people's views on software packages you can buy.

The next two days I was staying in a fancy London hotel on a training course. Our school is one of about 30 across the uk piloting a new scheme. I have returned well feed, full of jargon and enthusiasm for the scheme.*EDITED TO ADD* On the way back I was on the tube heading to Victoria when I heard my name. Upon Looking up I see kardrath. This has surprised me somewhat since he'd suposed to have been in Manchester. Apartently he's doing work stuff. Fair enough but how random is that, just bumping into each other on the tube!

Back at school for one day and to a full day at that. I was teaching all day! By thursday afternoon my nasal passages and sinuses where burning. My the evening I was freezing. Darn. My collegue on the same course had kindly shared his cold with me.

Due to said cold I was ever so grateful that it was a training day. I was visiting a local school.. within walking distance no less! My ever wonderful HousemonkeyTM dropped me off. I got some useful stiff out of it and slopped off at lunchtime. Which was rather handy since I felt poo. I spent the rest of the day (in no particular order)watching DVD's, sleeping, drinking lempsips and eating takeway pizza.

Now I must leave you and go wake my HousemonkeyTM from his slumber. He didn't sleep well last night, well I don't think he slept at all last night. Then I shall go and make the pancakes I either haven't had chance to make or couldn't be bothered to make.
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