painfulness and 3/4. i staked my claim on you a long time ago. all the other bitches can go fuck themselves. i loved you, i love you, i'll always love you. and thats that.
you're so mean to me carla. if you were the cutest puppy in the world, i would not hesistate to kick you in the face. <3<3<3 now thats pure love right there.
ARGH! i thought you were on my friends list, but you werent. but you ARE now again.. but hey im sorry. do not worry about meeee hun the one thing i hate more is for you to be maaddd at me, i loveee youuu hun. we'll talk later hun hn hun hun hun
jamie? who the hell calls you jamie? make them stop. and i wasnt even on your friends list? wow... thats fine. i know when i'm no longer wanted. =P i love you too baby. always.
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