Which Smashing Pumpkins album are you? brought to you by
Quizilla tattle tale rocks.
the hurricane wasn't as fun as i thought it could have been, but i'm glad it wasn't any worse than it was.
work is hard and homework sucks, but both are required.
i love clea duvall. i see her face and i just melt. that girl is so talented. best actress ever.
i've been losing a disturbing amount of weight without even trying. i'm 8 sizes smaller than i was a year ago at this time. whee. <3
dan's at work and i'm thinking survivor and linguini until he gets home, and then maybe "but i'm a cheerleader" if i have extra time. tivo is recording csi.
we're going to buy a new couch. grey leather and granite end tables.
money is good.
i miss you cole, email me back.
my quit smoking attempt went great for 2 weeks then i got woken up at 5am due to a hurricane and i started smoking again out of sheer boredome. monday we quit again.
i spent far too much money on clothes this weekend, but i needed them because my other pants fall off.
and my hair is beautiful. i got it cut and it's faaaabulous. i think my hairdresser is a lesbian. heee.
i'm going to buy dan an iguana. he's huge and i love him.