
Aug 26, 2007 22:31

Not bad, not bad. It's only been a short time but I think I'm already adjusting to this sudden change of surroundings. There are so many cool people here, minus a few... weirdos... BUT that's okay! A few bad apples never really spoils the tree~! Who'da thought I would find the most weirdest situation to be so much fun ( Read more... )

loneliness, making friends, omg killers, kadaj, sonic

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Comments 35

fonmasterfake August 27 2007, 03:09:50 UTC
This world does have its share of strange citizens, but I believe that, yes, there are those who are pleasant to speak to. Once you get past the strange happenings and death, I suppose this place is somewhat enjoyable.


angelheart_x August 27 2007, 03:12:55 UTC
I'm inclined to agree! Though this death thing has me a little worried, I didn't think people were actually being killed here. You don't... you don't think anyone will.. kill me?


fonmasterfake August 27 2007, 03:14:54 UTC
It is worrisome, though I've been told that death is only temporary here. This doesn't make it acceptable, but I believe it makes things far less tragic.


angelheart_x August 27 2007, 03:17:50 UTC
T-..Temporary? That's...

Well! I mean, it can't be that bad. If it's temporary, right? Still I can't imagine the pain someone has to endure to die. I guess I need to be just a little careful.


waypastcool August 27 2007, 03:12:05 UTC
Right! Got a few more, I think. Uh... Sanzo, Luke, Asch, Roxas, and Dark Link, though I'm still searchin'.


angelheart_x August 27 2007, 03:16:57 UTC
Strange names, where do people come up with them? I'll stay on the lookout for all of them.


waypastcool August 27 2007, 03:29:26 UTC
Who knows? Must have some weird parents to name 'em that.

Roxas apparently's "Sora" with an "x", cuz he's this thing called a nobody or whatever. Guess it's 'cool' to mix up someone's name and add an extra letter...

Asch? Eh, he's the original of that Luke dude, who's a replica, but he probably wanted to be cool by taking the word "ash" and spellin' it wrong.

No clue about the others, though.


angelheart_x August 27 2007, 03:43:30 UTC
Roxas, huh? Hmm. I think I'll stay on the lookout for that person. Something about his name just strikes me as entertaining! I have a knack for picking out the cool people~

This Dark Link, though. I'm not really sure if I want to talk to him. He seems... well... I've heard things. They weren't good things, either. Really mean things.


holyflowergirl August 27 2007, 03:52:45 UTC
Living alone can be a bit downing at times - where might you be at?


angelheart_x August 27 2007, 04:01:02 UTC
At the moment? I'm just using the public stations to write this all up. I haven't really found a place to stay at, quite yet. Though I wonder if that's free, too.


holyflowergirl August 27 2007, 04:08:08 UTC
Most everything here is free, so you haven't anything to worry about.

...and though some of us have found our own places to live, the majority of people have taken up residence in a large hotel here. It shouldn't be too hard to find, and I think there's a room next door to mine that's vacant.


angelheart_x August 27 2007, 04:10:16 UTC
A hotel? Really?! Awesome! I'll definitely check it out and grab the room next to yours! Hopefully you won't find me to be too much of a bother. I tend to sleep until noon and all, so you can expect plenty of quiet.. up until that point.


my_reunion_x August 27 2007, 04:24:24 UTC


angelheart_x August 27 2007, 04:35:31 UTC
You don't sound so suuuure. ♫


my_reunion_x August 27 2007, 04:37:06 UTC
I am. I mean, um...shit.


angelheart_x August 27 2007, 04:43:33 UTC
You are? I knew it! You admit you want to go. Silly Daji, I just wanted to make sure you were positive! See, you're a nice guy after all. Told you~


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