The major person affected by the tragedy is Jonathan but the whole family gets to feel it. I think he may be scarred for life (for a 3 year old that is a looooong time). Our family has a little piece of itself missing with this event. I am go through the grieving process right now.
So I suppose you want to know what happened. Will here goes... Today when we were at Toy Box Toy Library Jonathan managed to lose his turtle. Yes I know, it is worse than you imagined right? He was playing with him in the room and then when we had packed up and it was time to leave we couldn't find him anywhere. I don't know if someone took him home with them or whether he got inserted into a bigger toy. Either way he is lost and we may never see him again.
Jonathan has slept with turtle every day since he was born. He is his bestest favourite friend and life is not the same. Tonight he went around looking for 'Main Turtle' until I reminded him that he lost him at Toy Library. I think he believes he is just hiding and will come back soon. I put him to bed with 'Emergency back-up turtle' but it is just not the same.
We grieve for you turtle, may you come home soon!