
Jun 26, 2005 23:37

I can't believe it's almost July already. Man where does the time go ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

brennababe22 June 27 2005, 06:00:15 UTC
It's ok...seriously, my life is pretty boring if I do say so myself. I mean, most of the time, Adam and I terrorize online games...we're such nerds.

good luck this week!! I'm starting the full time stuff this week too...yesssss!!!
Talk to ya later darling!!
Bren xoxo


angelic_facade June 29 2005, 03:43:12 UTC
yeah, where are you working at??


brennababe22 June 30 2005, 01:27:18 UTC
Sally Beauty Supply...oh joy...but it's right up my alley...plus they'll give me a raise every month I'm in beauty school! SCORE!!

I get to play with hair and makeup products all day...yesssss

and I miss Surge...a lot


exposedtruth June 27 2005, 17:24:15 UTC
READING IS SOOOO COOL!!! i wish i knew how...

but yea, surge was like the greatest drink EVER! my siblings and i used to finish off whole cases and just run around the house for hours!!! man, i really miss that drink, it was like crack or something...


angelic_facade June 29 2005, 03:44:47 UTC
although I never read the label, i'm almost certain that crack may have been an ingredient.
Oh well...bottoms up!

Oh how I miss it.
And i miss you too!


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