Application to thelongnow_rpg

Nov 29, 2010 18:01


Name: Jess
Player Livejournal: angelique5666
Timezone: Central, United States
AIM: Lena7623
Other Characters: First character


Full Name: Angel (Human name was Liam O'Connor and he went by Angelus for years, but now it's just Angel)
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Age: 273
From When?: Just after the conclusion of S1 of Angel.
Physical Description/PB: David Boreanaz
Temporal Link: Angel's black trench coat.

Personal History: Here and here.

Personality: Angel initially comes off as quiet and aloof to people who don’t know him. He’s been accused of being monosyllabic and ‘broody’ more than a couple of times. While quiet and broody are completely accurate ways to describe him, they are still only scratching the surface of his personality. Angel is a lot of things, and ‘simple’ just isn’t one of them.

Angel is a bit of a deep thinker and brooder when he is alone or upset, but he is also just as likely to fly off the handle and jump into situations head first and without thinking about the consequences. He is likely to do that when someone he cares about is in danger of getting hurt. He has a bad habit of not coming up with or sticking to plans when this happens, which can cause aggravation at a later time when a situation either is over or has just gotten worse.

While he is reserve with people when he first meets them, revealing little about himself (the first true love of his life, Buffy Summers, didn’t find out that he was a vampire until he changed in front of her), when he does truly become friendly and comfortable around someone, he is likely to be very loyal to them and do everything in his power to protect them. He wants to protect everyone around him, since he sees himself as much stronger than those around him, and takes every wound they get to heart. Especially after the death of his friend Doyle, he wants to make sure that no one else dies on his watch. When he does get close to someone, he is more willing to talk about himself and his past, although he is still ashamed of most of it.

It also frightens his friends when he decides to happen to be in a good mood for a change. Of course, they worry that he’s either about to lose his soul or has already lost it in some way, but even Angel can have a nice day without losing his immortal soul (again). He likes to think that he has enough on his mind at all times that it keeps him grounded. Personally, he finds it a little amusing that everyone jumps automatically to ‘evil’ when he’s in a good mood. Not so fun when they whip out the crosses, holy water, and stakes, though.

(If you need more, let me know. I just tried to address everything I can think of, thus the kind of ‘disjointedness of it.)

Non-Supernatural/Non-Superhuman Skills: He is a talented artist who favors sketching and displays a photographic memory. He likes to sketch as it is something that typically keeps him calm and gives him something to do. He has also shown knowledge of several languages in the past, as well as competent demon and magical knowledge. He is also a more than competent fighter, both at hand to hand and with any sort of sharp, pointed object you can hand to him. (As far as languages go, I’m not sure what all was shown in the show, but I’m going to go with a good knowledge of Latin and Gaelic due to being Irish and being brought up Catholic, plus a basic competency in German, French, Italian, and a smattering of Romani, due to his travels and trying to come familiar with his gypsy curse after he initially lost his soul.)

Supernatural/Superhuman Powers: Angel displays all of the typical powers to a vampire in the Buffyverse: super-human strength, agility, senses, reflexes, and has the vampiric visage where his face grows the extra ‘bumps’ and his eyes turn yellow and animal-like. Because of his advanced age, he is even stronger than most vampires that someone would come across. Of course, he also has the vampiric weaknesses, which are a severe allergy to fire and sunlight, crosses and holy water will burn him, although the dislike of garlic truly comes from a vampire’s sensitive sense of smell than any real allergy to it. Vampires also do not breathe naturally, although they must take a breath to speak. They cannot perform CPR, though.

Power Limitations: I am completely happy to have him turn totally human. It would allow him to not have to avoid every window in the house, but it also keeps him from being able to use his extensive vampire abilities. Plus, it messes with his head, and I always enjoy doing that to him. If you would still like to keep him somewhat supernatural in nature, I am happy to work out some sort of medium.

First-Person Writing Sample:
I’m not sure what to think of this place. I’m almost at home on the floor that is from my original time, but even that’s a little strange to me. Cordelia thinks that all of it is ‘freaky,’ and I’m kind of inclined to believe her.

She was happy to see me for all of five seconds, until she learned that I wasn’t on a rescue mission, but just stuck here just like her. Then I was stabbed at with her nails. I’m so glad that they don’t make wooden nails, or she would have accidentally staked me a long time ago.

Third-Person Writing Sample:
Angel understood that this place was supposed to be confusing, but he didn’t why it had to be THIS confusing. He was certain that, in his first day here, he had gotten lost at least half a dozen times just trying to get to the kitchen. He still wasn’t sure what was going on. The few people who seemed to have half a clue didn’t seem to know too much more. Everyone was still finding out just what was going on here. That wasn’t exactly comforting.

Now he was in his room, reading a book at his desk in an effort to wind down and hopefully get some sleep soon. While he was physically tired, his mind was still racing a mile a minute. He wasn’t exactly shocked by that, but it was starting to get annoying. His internal clock was saying that it was near two in the morning, which typically was like afternoon to him, but here it was still feeling like nighttime.

Frustrated, he finally shut the book and sighed. He certainly remembered that book putting him to sleep when they tried to make him read it when he went to school. Didn’t seem to be working now. Maybe he could take a walk and not get too lost? Doubtful, but he got up and headed out of his room anyway to do just that.

Additional Comments: Stephy is applying as Doyle, and we were wondering if they could room together?

Bonus Question: How did you hear about The Long Now? Initially from my friend Duckie and her application for Cordelia, but I also know Stephy, who plays the 11th Doctor and Sookie.

game: the long now rpg, application

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