Wee, a whole lot of nothing today. I'm really enjoying roleplaying in this forum, even if I'm a crackfiend and check it every twenty minutes. >_>; ... I want to read something romantic, but nothing hetrosexual (is that bad? I can't stand straight couples. >_>;;;; Don't hit me. XD). Anything really, manga? Stories? Anyone have anything that you like
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I recently joined a roleplay forum called 'Misery', you can find it http://z6.invisionfree.com/Welcome_to_Misery/index.php <= Here. I was going to hotlink it, but apparently my old HTML skills are too oldschool for this site. It's great fun, and if you thirst for
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I havn't been able to draw now for a week, not because I am unable due to inspiration.. there's just no place to draw at home, and having been on vacation away from work, where there's a space I like to use to draw (when I'm able).. well. No art from me. Mmn. Unsure what else to say... OH! If any of you have Diablo 2, I want you to install it.
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