I changed the posted date and time for when he was born. 11/20/2006 7:57pm
My heart bursts every time I see him, its like my entire life before him had no purpose, and I've never truely experienced joy until now.
I started living on his birthday
his pictures are up on my myspace
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Aug 23, 2006 19:58
I am so irratated with everrrrrrryyyyyyything. And I hate it because I know its just hormones and being pregnant and what all, but I swear sometimes I just feel like I could hit EVERYONE in the face, and I just feel like being a real big BITCH to everyone.
and I dont like being that way... :(
Aug 16, 2006 18:44
I am having my baby shower on september 2nd, at 1pm. If you would like to go send me a message and I will send you address and phone number and such.