Personality + Background + Abilities

Nov 15, 2008 13:17

PERSONALITY: Lumio is a sweet boy. He's very gentle and kind, and extremely patient (usually). He's also a bit soft spoken. He's quite naive when you get down to it, and he's been heavily sheltered for most of his life- to the point that, though he's an adult, I still consider him a teenager. He would also rather avoid a situation or a person he doesn't like or is upset with, rather than confront them.

Lumio's main weakness is his paralyzing fear of women- he considers them to be nothing but carriers of sin and in his quest to keep himself "pure", they are an obstacle. He is perfectly fine with younger girls, though.

He can be a bit of a brat at times, and he's rather used to getting his way. He can be stubborn when he thinks he's right about something. He's rather cautious, mostly because he's never really seen the outside world before.

Lumio is also a zealot, and he is quite certain that his beliefs are what is right in the world, and that any opposing views are, quite simply, wrong. He's not afraid to speak up and say things if he believes a person is wrong about something, and though he tends to avoid confrontation, he will argue to the death that his beliefs are right.

Still, his heart is in the right place about 95% of the time.

OC BACKGROUND: Lumio's history is fuzzy before he was brought to the church as a young child- no one is quite certain of his origins, despite the fact that the priest that brought him into the church, Agron, claims him as a brother. Still, Lumio took to the teachings of the church and devoted himself to the good god, committing his life to living as close to the teachings of the god and the great prophet as closely as he could. He idolized his brother and treasured the short visits they had together. It was during this time that heavily-scarred Agron impressed upon him the need to stay pure and, specifically, to avoid women and he would be fine. This was the start of the boy's avoidance of even the nuns that eventually turned into a full-blown phobia of all women.

Lumio was treated as a sort of "mascot" by the older priests even as he grew up from being a young child, and he stood in for the children the could never have. Some of them would spoil him as a child, letting him get away with things like staying up late or allowing him to keep a pet cat when he was younger. As he grew older, both Lumio and the cat grew into their roles- both accustomed to being cared for and looked over by the members of the church as a community. Lumio quickly found himself as a junior priest, and his endless helpfulness was not under appreciated by the priests the would assist.

Lumio is a devotee of Trinidism- a religion that celebrates a male god that rules over the three realms (earth, the sky, and the heavens), and acknowledges a main prophet as the earthly representative of the god. I can provide more details if needed, but it's mainly a good religion that focuses on kindness to one another and loving thy neighbor and all that good stuff.

Lumio grew up within the church, his "brother" Agron visiting from time to time and checking in on the boy until Lumio was fifteen. It was then that Agron came back and stayed for a short while- teaching Lumio the basics of self-defense and training him as an exorcist. Lumio's training lasted for several months- he was a smart boy and picked up the basics quickly enough, and the rest he trusted that Agron would be with him for.

Agron's small group of exorcists, The Lightbringers, were ready to adopt Lumio as this most junior member, for reasons unknown to the boy. Lumio accepted, eager the spend more time with the man who he saw as his only blood family, and the two began traveling together along with a woman named Saiyoun- a being from the mystical race of Arbiters that are reputedly descended from the gods and oversee the lives of mortals. They added a fourth member to their ranks when Lord Constable Archibald Verityr joined several months after Lumio, and stayed for nearly a year. Lumio didn't much care for the other members of the group. Saiyoun (other than the obvious that she is a woman) was from outside the church and was only a member to keep tabs on Agron and his group. Lumio viewed her much like one might a snake in their garden- something outside and dangerous. To Archibald, he was cooly polite. Archibald was a proud man, and his own tenuous faith and blatant rejection of some of the church's teachings put him on Lumio's bad list early on. The two remained polite, but Lumio didn't speak much to the other members save for Agron, who he nearly idol-worshiped.

Lumio's experience with The Lightbringers would be what evertually uncovered a dormant angelic power within him. During a case that they were tracking a demon, Agron and Lumio were alone when the demon made itself known and attacked them. Agron was badly wounded, and as Lumio tried to heal him, the demon struck again, making Lumio its intended target. The attack never met him- almost at once, Lumio was transformed into what could only be called an angel, and the demon was incinerated with only a glance. Later, the group celebrated and Lumio was wordlessly acknowledged as the most powerful member of The Lightbringers, earning him the respect of both Archibald and Saiyoun. Saiyoun's approval was cold, however, and later she chided Agron for keeping secrets from her- but Agron merely shrugged and claimed he had "no idea that the kid could do that".

Lumio stayed with The Lightbringers for several years, traveling about and solving cases that involved either demons or the church in some way. Archibald left the group after nearly a year, returning to his normal duties as a Lord Constable. The Lightbringers would travel between parishes and sometimes stay in inns when the situation called for it, but despite having traveled, Lumio cannot be said to have seen much of the world at all- he never truly got to act independently and remained by the side of Agron for the whole time. Also, Lumio never really did much of the reconnaissance work required for cases or was omitted from others entirely- so much of his experience with The Lightbringers was sitting in a room waiting for Agron to return. He did act on the more serious cases after his powers were awakened- cases that simple capture of a demon was not an option. In these situations, he was an invaluable member of the group, as their most powerful exorcist.

One notable case The Lightbringers were called on for was the hunting and capture of one demon named Klavier. The two never actually met, however, as Klavier was ultimately caught and detained by Archibald, and thus the case was out of the church's jurisdiction and was in the hands of the normal human courts.

Lumio returned to the church after the group was disbanded after several years. He was not promoted quickly within the church, and at age 20 is still a junior priest, despite having been a member of The Lightbringers. Saiyoun returned to the mountains to the north of the continent, leaving Agron with one final gift- a charm that would make him immortal. Agron requested one for Lumio, as well (though, without the charm, as he will be in Edensphere, Lumio has an average life expectancy. Not that it matters, what with the sphere stopping aging), and then he vanished again, leaving Lumio only to hope for his brother's return.

ABILITIES: Lumio is a healer and is able to cure ailments like poisoning, heal wounds and broken bones, and cure people of illnesses.

He is able to shift into an "angelic" form- his skin glows softly, his hair becomes light blue, he gets two light yellow wings, and his eyes become completely white. He is able to conjure a flaming sword and gains pyrokenetic abilities- the flames he is able to create are in blue, green, and purple, and are blessed with a holy element, able to destroy anything demonic. The flames can burn immaterial things as well, and are capable of actually burning up a soul.

His healing abilities are boosted while in his angelic form- he is able to cure any defects, such as blindness or deafness, and is able to revive the dead.


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